Harvard College of Education, Airport road, Karan bagh, Jammu
Last date : 27 March 2018
Applications are invited for the post of
Environmental Education: PG in Environmental science with 55% in marks and Degree of B.Ed and M.Ed.
Teaching of Mathematics: PG in Mathematics with at least 55% marks and Degree of B.Ed and M.Ed.
Health and Physical Education: BPED and MPED with at least 55% marks.
Fine & Performing Arts: PG in Concerned subjects with at least 55% marks.
Teaching of Commerce: PG in Commerce with at least 55% marks and Degree of B.Ed and M.Ed.
Application should reach in the office of college before 27th of March 2018.
Preference will be given to NET/SLET Passed Candidate in their concerned subject.
Salary will be given as per UGC norms.
Contact No. : 0191-2263789,2263790