IOCL Jobs Recruitment 2020
Posts Details Below:
Total no of Posts=06
Last Date=23-10-2020
As India’s flagship Oil & Gas major, Indian Oil has been fulfilling the Energy needs of the nation for over six decades. With revenue from operations of Rs 5,66,950 crore for the year 2019-20, Indian Oil is ranked 151st in the Fortune Global 500
listing. Indian Oil operates Asia’s one of the largest Refineries, Pipelines and Marketing infrastructure and owns some of the most trusted super brands like INDANE and SERVO. The R&D Centre of Indian Oil is India’s foremost commercial
Centre of research excellence in the areas of lubricants, oil refining, fuel additives, engine testing, materials sciences and environmental sciences. Empowered with the ‘Maharatna’ status, the Vision of Indian Oil is to be ‘The Energy of India’ and
‘A Globally Admired Company’. With over 33,500 strong team, extensive refining, distribution & marketing infrastructure and advanced R&D facilities, lndianOil plays a significant role in fuelling the socio-economic development of the country.
With a mandate to ensure India’s energy security and self-sufficiency in refining & marketing of petroleum products, lndianOil has in the past six decades provided energy access to millions of people across the length and breadth of the
country through its ever-expanding network of over 50,000 customer touch-points. The Corporation has a portfolio of leading energy brands that includes Indane LPG cooking gas, SERVO lubricants, XTRAPREMIUM petrol, XTRAMILE diesel,
PROPEL petrochemicals, etc. Both SERVO and Indane have earned the coveted Superbrand status.
Name of the Posts:
Chief Research Manager, Sr Research Manager & Research Officer Gr. A
Degree, PG (Chemical/ Mech Engg.), Ph. D (Relevant Discipline)
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