Notice for Document verification cum interview for Post of Junior Assistant : JKSSB
Post Name : Junior Assistant
Cadre : State Cadre and Divisional Cadre
Departments : Technical Education/YSS Department, General Administration Department
shall be conducted on the dates/venue indicated at Annexure A, B and C to this notification. It is further informed that the interview for Kashmir based candidates having been short-listed for Divisional Cadre Kashmir 245 (05 of 2015), State Cadre (660-07 of 2015) shall be conducted at CENTRAL OFFICE, J&K Services Selection Board, Zum Zum Building, Ram Bagh, Srinagar from 10:00 A.M. onwards. Similarly, the interview for Jammu based candidates having been short-listed for State Cadre Post and shall be conducted at CAMP OFFICE, J&K Services Selection Board at Sekhari Bhawan, Rail Head Complex, Jammu from 8:30 A.M. onwards.
The interview schedule and particulars of the eligible candidates will also be available in the offices of theΒ Administrative Officer, J&K Services selection Board, Jammu /Srinagar.
All/any additional qualifications/reserved category certificate acquired by the candidate after the last date of receipt of application forms shall not be entertained
4. Mere figuring of name in the list does not entitle the candidate to appear in the interview as it shall be subject to the scrutiny of all testimonials of the candidates shortlisted.
5. No separate interview call letter shall be issued to any candidate whose name figures in the said list and this notice shall be deemed to be interview call to appear before the interview committee on the schedule date & time. A candidate who who fails to appear in the interview on the given date shall not be interviewed later and shall forfeit his/her right of consideration.
6. In case of any deficiency with reference to eligibility etc proved at the time of interview, the candidate shall not be allowed to appear in the interview, or if any deficiency is found subsequently the candidate shall not be considered for selection and shall be treated as disqualified.