Final Selection list of Sanginis(Anganwadi Workers) Manjakote
Final Selection list of Sanginis(Anganwadi Workers) of Poshan Project Manjakote in Pursuant to advertisement Notice No.01 of 2023, Dated:-15-05- 2023.
1. Govt .Order No:- 222- JK(SWD of 2022, dated:-30-11-2022.
2. Govt. Order No:-103-JK(SWD) of 2023,dated:-28-04-2023.
3. Mission Director Mission Poshan’s Letter No. MD/ Poshan /Estt. /13231-35, dated:-08-05-2023.
Whereas, vide advertisement notification No.01 of 2023,Dated:-15-05-2023 ,04(Four) number of posts of Sanginis(Anganwadi Workers) were advertised for filling up of the vacant posts in Poshan Project Manjakote in pursuance of HR Policy as notified Vide Govt. order No:- 103-JK(SWD) of 2023,dated:-28-04-2023read with Govt. Order No 222- JK(SWD of 2022, dated:-30-11-2022 ; and
Whereas,19 number of applications were received for the Vacant posts of Sanginis(Anganwadi Workers) for various anganwadi centers in different panchayats of Poshan Project Manjakote , as on last date of receipt of application i.e.02-06-2023;and
Whereas, after scrutiny of applications as per eligibility conditions as contained in the aforementioned advertisement notification, in accordance with HR policy referred above, the tentative merit list along with tentative select list has been framed and placed in public domain for seeking objection within period of 10 days, vide notice No:-CDPO/Manjakote /2023-24/178-81,Dated:-15-06-2023.
Whereas, after lapse of 10 days of objection period as on 25-06-2023 ,01 objection was received and the same was examined and vide this office letter No:-CDPO/Manjakote /2023-24/229,dated:-22-06-2023 , placed before the Selection Committee for final decision , the selection Committee after reviewing the same , disposed off the objection as per merit/guidelines
Whereas, the Selection Committee in its meeting held on 07-07-2023 recommended the final select list of 04 candidates as detailed in Annexure”A” and 19 candidates in Merit List as detailed in Annexure”B” as per minutes vide No:- CDPO/Manjakote / 2023/24/245,dated:-07-07-2023 , and thereafter approved by Additional District Development Commissioner ,Rajouri vide No:-ADDC/R/2023-24/408,Dated:-13-07-2023.
Now ,therefore ,the final Selection List of 04 candidates, as Annexure”A” along with merit List as Annexure”B” is hereby notified , in term of HRM Policy in pursuance of Govt. Order No:-103-JK(SWD) of 2023,dated:-28-04-2023 read with Govt. Order No 222- JK(SWD of 2022, for information of the concerned candidates.
Further ,in terms of Clause-XI of HRM policy/ aforementioned Govt. Order, ,where a candidate feels aggrieved with the selection ,may file an appeal before the Deputy Commissioner Rajouri within a period of 10 days from the date of issuance of this notification
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