Job Recruitment in Central University of Jammu
Applications through online mode are invited from the eligible candidates possessing prescribed qualifications and age as indicated against each post read with Cadre Recruitment Rules of the University and Govt. of India norms.
(For Non-Teaching posts)
Name of Post :
Private Secretary : 01
Personal Assistant : 01
Personal Assistant : 01
Lower Division Clerk : 02
Hindi Typist : 01
Library Attendant : 01
Total Posts : 07
Only online applications complete in all respects along with online non-refundable fee payment of Rs. 1000/- (except in case of candidates belonging SC/ST/PwBD & regular employees of Central University of Jammu) will be accepted. Candidates shall satisfy themselves about eligibility and other conditions prior to submission of online application. The portal / link for submission of online
applications will remain open from 03.02.2025 to 20.02.2025 at
For further details : Eligibility, Number of Posts, Category wise reservation (SC/ST/OBC/PwBD) and other conditions please visit University website
The University reserves the right to decrease / increase the posts or not to fill any of the posts advertised.
Eligibility Conditions :
1. It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to ascertain his/her own eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying in accordance with the prescribed qualifications, experience, etc., and submit his/her application duly filled-in, along with the desired information and documents as per the advertisement. Suppression of factual information, supply of fake documents, providing false or misleading information or canvassing in any manner on the part of the candidates shall lead to his/her disqualification. In case, it is detected at any point of time in future, even after appointment, that the candidate was not eligible, his / her appointment shall be liable to termination forthwith as per this clause.
2. Acceptance of documents submitted by an applicant shall be subject to verification by the competent authority at any point of time even after joining the employment. If any document is found to be false/fake/incorrect either before or after appointment, the document shall be summarily rejected or action may be initiated against the candidate which shall lead to cancellation of his appointment, as the case may be.
3. The date for determining the eligibility of all candidates in every respect will be the last date of submission of online application.
4. Canvassing in any form on behalf of any candidate shall be treated as a disqualification which shall lead to cancellation of candidature.
Mode of filling Application Forms
5. Application forms have to be filled only in online mode, as available on the website of the University along with the Employment Notification, within the prescribed time limit indicated in the notification. The candidates are not required to send hard copy of application form to the University. Offline forms will not be accepted from any candidate except in-service candidates.
Candidates must keep a copy of online application printout along-with fee submission receipt.
However, the same will have to be produced by the candidates at the time of document verification / written and/or Applied/Skill tests etc in the University.
6. Candidates are advised to ensure/satisfy themselves that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria. It is the responsibility of the candidate to assess his/her eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying. After filling up application form and payment of prescribed fee, updation / modification in application form under any circumstances will not be allowed.
7. It is necessary to submit separate application for each position.
Application Fee : Online payment may be made by using Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking etc. for the post applied as per details given below :
Particular Application Fee
Candidates belong to General/ EWS/OBC categories : Rs. 1000/-
Candidates belong to SC/ ST/ PwBD categories : Nil
Regular Employees of Central University of Jammu : Nil
For Complete Details : Click here
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