University of Kashmir Interview Notice Released for JPA Post
It is notified for information of all the shortlisted candidates whose roll no.’s are given below that the Interview for the post of Junior Professional Assistant advertised vide advertisement Notice No. 07 of 2023, dated July 28, 2023 is scheduled as per the dates mentioned against each.
Call letters will be sent to the shortlisted candidates at their e.mail addresses mentioned by them on their respective Application Forms. Shortlisted candidates shall be required to bring all original documents in support of their candidature at the time of interview, failing which; they shall not be allowed to appear in the interview. The candidates are advised to reach the venue half an hour
before the scheduled time. Besides, if any candidate is not able to download the call letter from his/her email, he/she may contact the office of the Recruitment Section for the same.
For Complete Details : Click here