Recruitment in PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Srinagar
There will be a interview at PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Shivpora, Srinagar for the preparation of panel of teachers on purely PART-TIME CONTRACTUAL BASIS against likely vacancies for the session 2025-26.
Candidates are required to bring latest Passport size Photograph and photocopy of all the certificates along with original certificates as per schedule given below :
Name of the Post : PRT, Balvatika Teacher. Counsellor. Special Educator. Nurse, Art & Craft Teacher, Music Coach. Spoken English.
Date of Interview : 19.03.2025
Name of the Post : PGT – Hindi, English, History, Geography, Economics. Political Science & Commerce.
Date of Interview : 20.03.2025
Name of the Post : TGT – Hindi. English. Sanskrit. Social Science.
Date of Interview : 20.03.2025
Name of the Post :
PGT – Physics. Chemistry, Biology. Mathematics, & Computer Science .
TGT – Mathematics. Science. Computer Instructor. Sports Coach. Yoga Instructor.
Date of Interview : 21.03.2025
Verification of documents will be done between 8:30 A.M to 9:30 A.M.
For registration form and more details visit our website : or Vidyalaya office.
Duly filled registration form along with self-attested copies of all the relevant documents should be submitted in the Vidyalaya in person or by post on or before 10/03/2025 Contact No. 0194-2466345
Further Details :
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