JKAS Result Declared
Jammu & Kashmir Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination, 2024- Declaration of result thereof.
On the basis of J&K Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination, 2024, held on 23.02.2025, the candidates with the Roll numbers, as per Annexure-A to this notification, are hereby declared to have qualified for admission to the J&K Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, 2024.
In accordance with the Rules of Examination, all these candidates have to apply again through online mode for J&K Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, 2024, for which a detailed notification shall be issued separately.
Note :-
i. For checking the result, candidates are advised to access the official website of the Commission i.e. http://www.jkpsc.nic.in.
ii. The candidature of candidates shown in Annexure to this notification is purely provisional and subject to the production of the original documents/certificates in support of their claims pertaining to age, educational qualifications, category and disability etc, at
any stage of examination i.e. Mains Examination/Viva-voce and in case any discrepancy with regard to age / qualification / category/ disability etc. and other eligibility conditions is noticed, the candidature shall be deemed to have been cancelled ab-initio.
This is subject to the outcome of writ petition, if any, pending disposal before any competent Court of Law.
For Complete Result Details : Click here
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