Central University Jammu Recruitment for Various Posts
Central University of Jammu invites online application for various teaching positions under direct recruitment from the eligible Indian Citizens and Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) in the prescribed format. Minimum qualification, Experience, Reservation, Service Conditions, Emoluments, Age of Superannuation, etc. are as prescribed by the University/ UGC/Government of India/AICTE as per details available at www.cujammu.ac.in.
Name of the Posts :
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Last Date : 06.11.2024
Note :
1. If suitable EWS candidates do not become available, the vacancy will be treated as unreserved and filled as an unreserved vacancy. Therefore, other candidates (who fulfill eligibility at UR standards) may also apply for the post
2. Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) shall be considered subject to availability and suitability of positions for OH, HH & VH as per reservation norms. The PwBD candidates shall be provided horizontal reservation as per the Government Guidelines wherever PwBD candidates are available.
Important Information
1. The candidates appointed against the lien* posts will be on temporary basis till lien* exists. If lien* employee does not join back, the candidates appointed against the said posts are liable to be confirmed substantially subject to fulfillment of terms and conditions of the probation.
2. The detailed eligibility conditions and other relevant details are available on the University website www.cujammu.ac.in. Online application form, complete in all respects must be submitted along with online payment of Rs 1,000/- (fee exempted for candidates belonging to SC, ST & PwBD) on or before 06.11.2024
3. Online portal will be available on University website and remain open from 21.10.2024.
4. The candidates are requested to regularly visit the University Website www.cujammu.ac.in for further updates. Hereafter, issuance of notifications in the newspapers, for any information in this regard, is not obligatory on the part of the University.
5. For any queries please email at teaching.recruitment@cujammu.ac.in. Queries on any other email will not be entertained.
1. Minimum eligibility for each position is governed by UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the maintenance of standards in Higher Education, 2018 (amended from time to time) and AICTE# norms as applicable. However University reserves the right to enhance the minimum standards / eligibility criteria.
2. The applications received for the posts of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor shall be shortlisted/screened in compliance with the short listing/screening guidelines laid down in the UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education, 2018, as amended from time to time and AICTE# norms.
3. The candidates must enter the relevant score in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based on Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) as given in API Score Sheet in the application form for the post of Professor/ Associate Professor as per revised regulations of UGC (July, 2018) . Each API score must be supported with the documentary evidence which should be
objectively verifiable, without which no claim on account of API score would be entertained. The API score shall be calculated as per revised regulations of UGC, 2018.
4. The application form must be accompanied with details of academic qualifications, experience, published work etc. the publication should invariably contain details with regard to the title of the journal/book, title of the Research Paper, Vol. No., Page Nos. year of publication, ISSN/ISBN, sole-author/co-authors/joint publication, refereed/non-refereed, indexed/ non-indexed and local/National/ International status etc. These details should been closed with documentary evidence to be used to verify the API claim. Physical copy of the publications shall only be accepted for giving weightages for API Score. Any reference for online verification of publications
shall not be accepted. However, link of the publications be also provided along with the publications. Such original documents shall be required to be produced at the time of interview. The API score shall be calculated for the journals notified by UGC from time to time.
5. A minimum of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale, wherever the grading system is followed) at the Master‘s level shall be the essential qualification for direct recruitment of teachers and other equivalent cadres at any level. It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to provide equivalence certificate for the grade earned. Relaxations, if any, will be as per UGC
6. The experience of the candidates working in any accredited research organization/ academic institution will be counted, provided the candidates working in such organization have drawn gross emoluments equivalent to or more than the gross salary of the regular Assistant Professors as per UGC Academic pay level/scale of Central University of Jammu at that time at the end of
the financial year. The certificate of last pay drawn must been enclosed for confirmation. In case the candidate is claiming to have worked in any foreign institution, the certificate of gross emoluments equivalent to or more than the gross salary of Assistant Professor in the foreign institution/country be verified from recognized body approved by the Govt. of India.
7. All supporting documents are required to be uploaded after self-attestation and hence, candidates are advised to prepare the PDF files of each of the required documents before starting the online application process. Publications need not to be self-attested.
8. The candidates appointed against the lien* posts will be on temporary basis till lien* exists. If lien* employee does not join back, the candidates appointed against the said posts are liable to be confirmed substantially subject to fulfillment of terms and conditions of the probation.
9. Candidate applying under quota reserved for Person with Disabilities should indicate whether he/she belongs to SC/ST/OBC or General Category. Person suffering from not less than 40% of the relevant disability shall alone be eligible for the benefit of reservation for Person with Benchmark Disabilities or as per rules prescribed by Govt. of India.
10. The appointment under PwD category shall be provisional and subject to certificate verification through the proper channels. If the verification reveals that the claim of the candidate to a particular category is false, his/her services will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of the Indian Panel Code for production of false certificates.
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