Mar 18, 2025
India JobsJammu Kashmir Jobs

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research( CSIR ) Various Recruitment

CSIR-NPL, New Delhi (a constituent laboratory of CSIR) desires to recruit qualified incumbents for purely temporary and contractual positions under the various ongoing externally funded & time targeted sponsored projects, the details of which are given below

Instructions and information for candidates :-

1. Eligibility Criteria: The applicant must be a citizen of India.

2. Only those Candidates who have completed the essential qualification for whom the result has been declared are eligible to apply. Result awaited/Final semester appeared or appearing/Ph.D submitted etc. are not eligible to apply for any post. Experience if required in any post should only be post-qualification experience.

3. The total duration for which Project staff could be engaged will be for the duration of each project. Where the duration of the Sponsored/Consultancy Project is less than 5 years, the services will be co-terminus with the duration of the project. There would be no automatic shifting of Project staff from one project to another. On completion of the tenure in one project, in case, one wants to apply for engagement in another project, he/she will have to go through the process of selection by submitting a fresh application under the new project. Appointment under the new project would be made only after submission of `No Demand Certificate’ and `No Dues certificate’ in the previous project and submission of resignation from the previous project. The maximum duration, for which any Project staff could be engaged in different projects taken together, will be 5 years, i.e. the total period of five years of engagement of any Project staff in different projects taken together should be counted from initial date of engagement in a project onwards. The performance of the Project staff would be reviewed periodically so that any one not found up to the mark, could be replaced. As such, the offer of appointment will be given for short duration i.e. 6- months/1 year, which may be extended further based on the recommendations of the concerned Principal Investigator (PI).

4. There would be no component of increment etc. for Project staff and the consolidated remuneration to be paid to Project staff may be called “Stipend”.

5. A Candidate may apply for maximum of 02 (Two) posts. Separate application may be submitted for each post code if a candidate is desirous of applying for more than 01 (One) Post.

Mode of Selection :

1. If a large number of applications are received then the Candidates will be shortlisted by a screening committee based on academic qualification and /or experience. In case of short listing done by screening committee, the committee will adopt its own criteria for bringing down the number of candidate to be called for interview.

2. In case the final certificates reflect CGPA, GPA, etc, in that case, the candidate should convert the same in to equivalent percentage as per the approved formula of the university in the application and a copy of such conversion formula must be attached alongwith the application.

3. Relaxation of age for SC/ST/ OBC /PWD /Women: Age limit for Project staff shall be as advertised with relaxation for statutory groups and women as per GOI/CSIR rules.

4. CSIR-NPL reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the Offer of engagement in case of any discrepancy found, in the candidature of any empanelled candidate at any stage.

5. Other terms & conditions will be governed as per guidelines issued by the funding agency/CSIR Hqrs., for the engagement of above Project Staff as amended from time to time.

6. The candidates will be free to answer in Hindi during interview.

7. Eligible candidates may appear together with downloaded application form duly filled-up, for “Floating (Walk-in) Interview” on the dates and areas as mentioned above between 09.00 AM to 10.00 AM (candidate will not be entertained after 10.00 AM under any circumstance) in the Auditorium of the laboratory, with complete application giving the full details inclusive of marks starting from secondary examination onwards along with latest passport size photograph, original and self attested copies of all certificates /testimonials. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PwBD should bring copies of certificates in the proper format issued by the appropriate authority as per the latest instructions issued on the subject.

Note :

1. Candidate should go through the advertisement carefully to check their suitability in the area.

2. In case a candidate fails to produce any of the above mentioned documents/testimonials in original at the time of registration, he/she shall not be allowed to register for the further process.

3. The posts for various projects that are advertised are purely contractual. The positions advertised are provisional and subject to ascertaining the availability of funds under the respective projects before the declaration of results and issue of engagement letter.


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