Job Recruitment in AIIMS Jammu
Applications are invited in the prescribed Proforma for filling up of the Non-Faculty Posts (On Deputation Basis) mentioned hereunder for AIIMS Vijaypur, Jammu
Name of Post :
Assistant Controller of Examinations A (Level -11) 01
Nursing Superintendent A (Level-11) 02
Total No : 03
For other details, application form and terms & conditions, please visit the AIIMS Jammu website under the head ‘Recruitment’. Duly filled in application (through proper channel) along with attested photocopies of ACRs/APARs for the last 5 years and vigilance clearance should reach to the undersigned within 30 days after the day of publishing of this advertisement in Employment News. In case of any query, mail can also be forwarded to
Further Details :