GMC Udhampur Recruitment, Check Details
“Please read 10+2 science or above qualification with Diploma in Anaesthesia Assistant course from any recognized Institute/SMF” instead of “10+2 with science or above qualification with two years Diploma in Laboratory Assistant course or having Degree in Medical Laboratory” appeared at S.No.13 & S.No.14 of the Advertisement Notification issued by this office Advertisement Notice No.05 of 2025, dated:- 11-03-2025 issued under endorsement No.GMC/UDH/24-25/6217-6226,dated:- 11-03-2025 against the Posts of Anaesthesia Technician and Anaesthesia Technical Assistant.
Also the Post of Refractionist is included in the same advertisement abinitio the detail is hereunder:-
Name of the Posts : Refractionist
No. of Posts : 01
Eligibility/Minimum Qualification :
B.Sc or above having two year Diploma or Degree in Refractionist Course from any recognized Institute.
Selection Criteria : Selection will be done purely on the basis of marks (merit) obtained in the Screening Test.
NOTE : Incase there is Tie in the Merit the Preference shall be given to Candidate which is older in age.
Rest of the terms and conditions shall remain same.
Further Details :
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