Govt. Medical College Anantnag More Fresh Recruitments, Check Details
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates (in- Service/Non-PSC doctors) for the tenure posts of Senior Residents /Tutor/Demonstrator on Academic Arrangement basis under S.0-364 of 2020 dated 27.11.2020 (for Non-PSC candidates) in the following disciplines initially for a period of one year extendable up to maximum of 03 years only, subject to good work and conduct of the candidate.
Name of the Posts :
Senior Residents
Last Date : by or before 22.12.2024
Candidates interested in applying for the said posts at Government Medical College, Anantnag can apply online from 09.12.2024 on The hard copy of the completed application forms accompanied with a non-refundable bank draft for Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) pledged to Principal, Govt. Medical College Anantnag and payable at collection counter Anantnag, should be submitted in office of the Registrar Academics GMC Anantnag by or before 22.12.2024.
(The selection criteria will be adopted as per Government Order No. 382 & 383-J1 (MME) of 2024 dated 20.06.2024.
Terms & Conditions :
1. Incomplete application form(s) in any respect or not appended with relevant certificates shall he rejected without flintier notice.
2. Conditions for PSC/Non-NC candidates.
i. In service (PSC confirmed) candidates shall be paid salary as per their LPC. The in-service doctors shall be eligible to participate in the selection process only after obtaining NOC from the competent authority and in terms of policy on the subject in vogue.
For Non-PSC candidates :-
i. Maximum age for eligibility to apply shall be 50 years at the time of submitting application forms as per S.0-364 of 2020 dated 27.11.2020.
ii. The Non PSC doctors shall be paid stipend as per S.0-364 of 2020 dated 27.11.2020.
3. The application forms should be accompanied with the following self attested copies of the documents :-
a) MBBS Degree certificate from a recognized University/Institution.
b) Internship completion certificate.
c) MD/MS/DNB/MDS/Diploma/MSc/PhD/D.Sc qualification certificates of the respective speciality.
d) MCI/J&K Medical Council Registration Certificate of MBBS and MD/MS/MDS/DNB/Diploma.
e) Council Registration Certificate for MSc/PhD/D.Sc.
f) Date of Birth Certificate.
g) Domicile Certificate.
4. The Competent Authority reserves the right of any amendment, cancellation and modification to this advertisement as a whole or in part without assigning any reason or giving notice.
5. Candidate may note that their candidature will remain provisional till the genuineness of their documents relating to educational qualification is verified by the appointing authority.
6. Separate application along with requisite fee is to be filed for each post applied.
7. In case any declaration by the candidates is found to be false or if the candidate has wilfully suppressed any material/information relevant to his/her appointment, his/her selection will be cancelled ab-intio and action as warranted under rules shall be initiated against the erring candidates.
8. The selected candidates shall have to execute an agreement as mentioned in S.0-364 of 2020 dated 27.11.2020 and that he/she will not leave the Department before the completion of tenure (six months), however abandoning/terminating after six months of the engagement in the specialty will require one month prior notice on either side falling which the salary shall not be paid for one month to the incumbent and shall be released on completion of sanctioned term.
9. The online application form should be accompanied with all the enclosures
10. Those Candidates who have complet4he tenure earlier in the same college or any other college need not to apply.
For Complete Details : Click here
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