Mar 14, 2025
India JobsJammu Kashmir Jobs


Applicants are invited for the post of SRF/YP-II/YP-I purely on a contractual basis in the campus of ICAR-Indian Institute Millets Research, Hyderabad-500030, through a Physical or Virtual mode interview on 11thMarch, 12th March and 15th March 2024.

The eligible candidates are invited to attend their duly-filled bio-data in the enclosed application format ‘Annexure – I’ and ‘Annexure – II’, along with self-attested scanned copies (PDF/JPEG) of the relevant documents.

Terms and Conditions (Physical Mode) :

The above posts are purely temporary and on a contractual basis till the termination of the project. The selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointment/absorption in ICAR-IIMR or funding agency at the end of the project.

Maximum age limit (as on date of interview):
For SRF: 35 years for men & 40 years for women;
For YP-II: 45 years;
For YP-I: 45 years;
Relaxation for SC/ST & OBC candidates as per rule.

The candidate should attend the interview with duly filled-in application form (as per the Format Annexure I enclosed) with a photograph affixed on it and signed. Duly filled-in application form is compulsory.

All the relevant original testimonials (date of birth, degree certificate, experience certificate, etc., if any) are to be shown and a set of attested copies of all the certificates will be required to be submitted by the candidates for verification, before joining, if selected. If any candidate is found to have submitted false information/claims at any stage, their candidature will be summarily
rejected or the appointment will be terminated.

No TA/DA/ any other expenses will be paid for attending the interview.

Candidates should bring their complete bio-data, duly self-attested certificates and mark sheets (From Class 10th onwards), experience certificate, and no objection certificate from their current employer at the appointment time. Only the candidates having essential qualifications would be allowed to attend the Interview.

Concealing of the facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination of the candidate. The decision of the competent authority will be final and binding in all respects.

It may be noted by the candidate intending to attend the interview if any of his near or distant relatives is an employee of the ICAR – IIMR, have to declare his/her name, designation, nature of duties, relationship in writing (Annexure-II) along with the form application. If any such certificate and or declaration is furnished on the date of the interview and found that his relative is an
employee of ICAR – IIMR, such candidate will not be allowed to appear for the interview.

Moreover, even after joining, if the information is found to be false, her/his candidature is liable to be rejected and/ or termination of the contract. All the other candidates are also required to compulsorily submit the scanned declaration duly signed in the format (Annexure II) along with other documents.

In case of any disputes, it will be resolved within the jurisdiction of Hyderabad, Telangana court only.

Terms and Conditions (Virtual Mode):

The above posts are purely temporary and on a contractual basis till the termination of the project. The selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointment/absorption in ICAR-IIMR or funding agency at the end of the project.

Maximum age limit (as on date of interview):
For SRF: 35 years for men & 40 years for women;
For YP-II: 45 years;
For YP-I: 45 years;
Relaxation for SC/ST & OBC candidates as per rule.

The duly filled-in application form (as per the Format-Annexure I enclosed) with a photograph affixed on it and signed, should be sent to on or before 5th March, 2024.

All the relevant original testimonials (date of birth, degree certificate, experience certificate, etc., if any) are to be shown and a set of attested copies of all the certificates will be required to be submitted by the candidates for verification, before joining, if selected. If any candidate is found to have submitted false information/claims at any stage, their candidature will be summarily
rejected or the appointment will be terminated.

No objection and experience certificate are required from the employer; in case he/she is employed.

For short-listed candidates, the interview will be held Virtual on 15th March, 2024 from 10.30 AM and the details will be communicated through email.

The online reporting time for the interview will be communicated. The candidates shall adhere to the instructions and timings of joining the online interview. The candidate/s may be required to wait for access as per the waiting list.

The candidates are advised to ensure good internet connectivity for the smooth conduct of the interview and download the relevant software to connect the link.

No TA/DA/ any other expenses will be paid for attending the interview.

Concealing of the facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination of the candidate. The decision of the competent authority will be final and binding in all respects.

It may be noted by the candidate intending to attend the online interview if any of his near or distant relatives is an employee of the ICAR – IIMR, have to declare his/her name, designation, nature of duties, relationship in writing (Annexure-II) along with the form application so as to reach us by 5th March, 2024. If any such certificate and or declaration is furnished on the date of the interview
and found that his relative is an employee of ICAR – IIMR, such candidate will not be allowed to appear for the interview. Moreover, even after joining, if the information is found to be false, her/his candidature is liable to be rejected and/ or termination of the contract. All the other candidates are also required to compulsorily submit the scanned declaration duly signed in the
format (Annexure-II) along with other documents through e-mail.


For Complete Notification : Click here


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