Mar 17, 2025
Jammu Kashmir JobsGovernment JobsJobs in Jammu

J&K Fresh Class IV Recruitment for District Cadre Jobs


Date of commencement for submission of offline application- 20.02.2025.

Last Date for submission of offline applications- 15.03.2025.

Filling up of the vacancies of Class-IV Posts (District Cadre), as per Schedule-B of the J&K Ministerial Staff of Subordinate Courts (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules 2016, in District: Kathua.

Offline Applications, on the prescribed format (Annexure A), are invited from the eligible candidates belonging to UT of J&K for filling of Class-IV Posts (District Cadre). The category wise details of the posts are given as under:

NOTE: The Vacancy position may increase or decrease upon the actual availability of vacancies at the time of making final selection.


1. Qualification

For the Post of Orderly/Safaiwala, the candidate must have passed matric (10th) from a recognized Board.

2. Domicile

The Candidates must be permanent resident/domicile of UT of J&K possessing ‘domicile certificate’ in terms of Notification issued by the General Administrative Department of UT vide S.O No 166 dated 18.05.2020.

3. Age of candidates as on 01.01.2025 should be:

a) Not below 18 years;

b) Not above 40 years in case of Open Category;

c) 43 years in case of SC/ST/RBA/EWS/OBC;

4. Application forms shall be supported with the self-attested copies of the following Documents;

a) Qualification/Marks Certificate.

b) Date of Birth Certificate (Matriculation).

c) Domicile Certificate.

d) Category certificate (if any).

e) Application form shall be accompanied with NON REFUNDABLE FEE in the shape of Demand Draft to the tune of 300/- (Three Hundred only) issued by J&K Bank Ltd. in favour of Principal District and Sessions Judge: Kathua.


The application form of the aforementioned posts can be downloaded from the official website of District Court Kathua

The duly filled up application forms shall be submitted in the office of Principal District & Sessions Judge: Kathua (Administrative Section) during office hours.



a) Candidates shall submit the duly filled Application Form (Annexure-A)/demand draft in the office of Principal District & Sessions Judge: Kathua w.e.f. 20.02.2025.

b) If any candidate is found to be failing to meet any conditions mentioned in the eligibility criteria, then his/her/their application form(s) will be rejected.

c) Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying and in no other mode, the Application Form will be accepted and even offline incomplete Application Form (Annexure A) will not be accepted.

d) The printout of the Application Form (Annexure A) along with the fee payment draft and requisite copies of documents shall be annexed with the application form.

e) Submission of Application Form (Annexure A) and payment of fee shall not be entertained after the cut-off date fixed for receipt of the same.

f) Before applying offline, candidates are advised to carefully go through the instructions for offline submission of Applications.

g) Individual call letters shall not be issued, however, wide publicity shall be given through print, electronic media and the District Court official Website about the venue(s), dates of interview for the information of eligible candidates. No claim of being unaware of the dates/schedule for interview shall be entertained.

h) The in-service candidates/contractual employees shall submit the photocopy of the duly filled up offline Application Form through proper channel viz. the concerned Head of the Department. In the event of failure of the candidate to route the application through proper channel, his/her eligibility shall be assessed as if he/she is not an in-service candidate. The Head of Department concerned shall forward the Application Form of the in-service candidate at the address of the Principal District & Sessions Judge: Kathua, within the above referred time of period after filling their Application Forms.

i) The candidates who had applied for the Post of Process-Servers/Orderly in pursuance of this office Notification No. 529/PDSJK, dated: 08.08.2024, which now stands withdrawn in compliance to order dated: 20.09.2024, passed by Hon’ble High Court of J&K and Ladakh in WP (C) No. 2208/2024, entitled; ‘Bikram Pathania and Anr. Vs. UT of J&K and Anr.’ need not apply afresh but their candidature shall be considered only if they inform, in writing, about their intention to participate in this selection-process.

j) The last date for the submission of offline Application Forms as prescribed above, shall be the cut-off date for determining the eligibility to apply for the post. The age limit, however, is determinable with reference to 20th of February 2025. Any qualification/experience acquired after the last date of receipt/submission of the Application Form i.e. 15.03.2025 shall not be taken into account for any purpose.

k) No TA/DA will be paid for participation in the interview/viva voce.


The selection shall be made on the basis of the merit obtained in interview/Viva-Voce in terms of communication No. 1122/Psy-661 dated 06.08.2024 of Hon’ble High Court of J&K and Ladakh. There shall be a total of 20 marks.

Note: The aspiring candidates shall be informed through print and electronic media, & also through official website ( about the venue and the date of interview/viva voce. For any information, the aspiring candidates in their own interest are impressed upon to keep track by visiting the aforementioned official website of Pr. District & Sessions Court: Kathua.

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