Job Recruitment in Child Development Project Darhal
Advertisement for Recruitment Under Phase -IV of Sanginis (Anganwadi Workers) and Sahayikas (Anganwadi Helpers) of vacancies as on 31st August 2024 in various Anganwadi Centers of Poshan Project Darhal.
Applications are invited on the Prescribed Format (Annexure “A”) from the eligible candidates for engagement as Sangini(Anganwadi Worker) and Sahayika(Anganwadi Helper) on Honorarium basis for the below mentioned vacant posts of anganwadi centers:
The important dates/details:-
a) Approval has been received for the aforementioned vacancies vide Mission Director, Mission Poshan’s J&K letter No: SMD/ICDS /Recruitment/2024-25 /38410-13, dated: 03.12.2024 ,for filling up for 02 vacancies of Sanginis (Anganwadi Workers) and 04 vacancies of Sahayika (Anganwadi Helper) in Anganwadi Centres of Poshan Project Darhal.
b) Date of commencement for submission of applications- 19-02-2025.
c) Last date for submission of application- 08-03-2025.
I. For Anganwadi Workers (Sanginis)
1. The candidate must be domicile of the UT of J&K.
2. Women candidates in the age group of 18-37 years as on 01-01-2025 shall be eligible.
3. The candidate should be a resident of the electoral ward (Panch ward) where Anganwadi Centre is situated. Name in the valid voter list for the ward shall be considered as the only proof of residence of the candidate and no application form shall be entertained without valid ward(Panchayat) voter list. In case the name of the candidate appears in the valid voter list along with her parents, then she must provide certificate of being un-married issued by the concerned Tehsildar.
4. Minimum qualification for Anganwadi Worker shall be 10+2 and maximum graduation. In case no 10+2 pass candidate is available in the ward, 10+2 pass candidate from the adjoining ward shall be considered which would require prior approval of Mission Director, Mission POSHAN J&K.
5. In case suitable candidate is not available from the adjoining ward, candidate from the nearest ward within the panchayat/MC can be considered subject to the approval of the MD, Mission POSHAN J&K.
6. Weightage shall be given on the basis of marks obtained in 10+2 and selection shall be done purely on merit basis and no other criteria is to be considered.
7. In case of tie in merit of the eligible candidate, candidate with higher age will be preferred.
8. Candidate with qualification higher than graduation shall not be considered.
9. In case eligible candidate is available within the family of retiring AWWs/AWHs, the said candidate shall qualify for additional two percent points.
II. Anganwadi Helpers (Sahayikas)
1. The candidate must be domicile of the UT of J&K.
2. Women candidates in the age group of 18-37 years as on 01-01-2025 shall be eligible.
3. The candidate should be a resident of the electoral ward (Panch ward) where Anganwadi Centre is situated. Name in the valid voter list for the ward shall be considered as the only proof of residence of the candidate and no application form shall be entertained without valid ward(Panchayat) voter list. In case the name of the candidate appears in the voter list along with her parents, then she must provide certificate of being un-married issued by the concerned Tehsildar.
4. Minimum qualification for Anganwadi Helper shall be matriculation.
5. In case no matriculate candidate available in the Panch ward, candidates with qualification not less than 8th standard shall be considered.
6. Weightage shall be given on the basis of marks obtained in 10th and selection shall be done purely on merit basis amongst married women candidates.
7. In case no married candidate is available, unmarried candidate may be considered.
C. How to Apply:-
Applications on prescribed format (enclosed as Annexure A) complete in all respect along with self attested copies of following documents should reach the Office of CDPO, Darhal, Near BDO Office Thannamandi Pin 1851212, by hand or by registered post against proper receipt, by or before 08-03-2025 (upto 4PM):-
a) Domicile Certificate.
b) Date of birth certificate.
c) Academic qualification Certificates with marks sheets.
d) Copy of updated valid voter List containing the name of applicant in the concerned Panch ward.
e) Unmarried certificate, issued by concerned Tehsildar, (in case the name of the candidate appears in the voter list along with her parents).
f) Copy of Ration Card(e-Ticket only).
g) Affidavit, as per format (Annexure-B).
h) Proof of being from the family of retiring AWW/AWH.
i) Passport size photograph.
j) Aadhar Card/Voter ID.
D. Document Verification
1) The candidate who is shortlisted for Document verification will be required to appear for Document Verification along-with the original documents as well as self-attested Photostat copy of each document as per the Advertisement Notification. The candidate must be in possession of the prescribed academic qualification and other documents mentioned in the Advertisement on or before the last date of submission of application form.
2) Candidates have to bring two passport size recent color photographs and one original Photo ID proof. Photo ID Proof can be:
i) Aadhaar Card
ii) Voter ID card.
3) The candidate must possess the eligibility requirements by or before the prescribed cut-off date and shall be required to produce the proof at the time of Document Verification or as may be sought by the Committee; in case of failure, the committee shall take necessary decision which shall be final.
4) Applications with educational qualifications, residential status and other conditions as prescribed after the cut off date shall not be entertained and shall be rejected summarily without any notice.
All applicants to submit affidavit stating following facts:
1. All Documents submitted are correct, without any mismatch, scanning, duplicate or fallacious in nature. If found incorrect or in any of the above stated situation the candidature of deponent may be cancelled and liable to action under law.
2. Maximum qualification is Graduation for vacancy of Anganwadi workers and Class X for Anganwadi Helpers and this is as per facts and onus of proving it to be true lies with the deponent.
3. The deponent has read the HR policy no. 222-JK(SWD) of 2022 dated: 30.11.2022and is well versed with all salient features of the policy and shall be applicable to the deponent in case of selection as Anganwadi worker/ Anganwadi Helper.
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