Mar 15, 2025
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Job Recruitment in GMC Ananatnag

Online application forms are invited from eligible candidates of UT of J&K for engagement against the posts mentioned in Annexure ‘A’ in Govt. Medical College Anantnag on academic arrangement basis under S.0- 364 dated 27.11.2020 initially for a period of one year extendable upto maximum of six years (on yearly basis subject to the satisfactory performance) or till the posts are filled by the competent authority on regular basis, whichever is earlier.


Nature of engagement :- 

The engagement against the advertised posts shall be on Academic Arrangement basis only without conferment of any preferential right on the engages for regular appointment against these posts.

Selection Criteria Period :- Based on the performance in the written test only.

Period :- For a period of one year extendable upto maximum of six years (on yearly basis subject to the satisfactory performance) or till the selection is made by the competent authority on regular basis, whichever is earlier.

Salary :- The engagee shall be paid sty at the minimum of pay scale in accordance with S.O 364 dated 27.11.2020.

Agreement :-

The selected candidate shall have to execute an agreement with this institution to the effect that they will not leave the job before the completion of one year contract. Abandoning/termination of the agreement as the case may be will require one month’s prior notice on either side failing which the salary will not be paid for one month to the incumbent which shall always remain in deposit with the department and shall be released only on completion of the term.

Age :-  The age of the applicant at the time of submission of application form must not be :-

I) Below 18 years; and

ii) Above 63 years

Instructions for applying  online :-

a. Interested eligible candidates can apply online on official website of GMC Anantnag, www.gmcariantnaznet from 16-07-2024.

b. Candidates are advised to go through the instructions and all the eligibility conditions prescribed for the examination before filing the online Application Form.

c. Candidates shall also be required to submit in person or by registered/speed post a hard copy of the downloaded online Application Form along with requisite documents and Bank Demand Draft in the Office of Administrative Officer at Main Campus Dialgam, GMC Anantnag (Pin Code — 192210) by or before 30-07-2024

d. Application form once submitted successfully will not be editable. Candidates will be soley responsible for all the information submitted by them. Incase of any information is found incorrect/ deficient/ incoherent at any stage, the application form shall be summarily rejected.

e. The candidates shall have to pay a fee of Rs. 200/- (Non-Refundable) in the shape of Demand Draft payable in favour of Principal, Government Medical College Anantnag.


For Complete Details : Click here


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