Job Recruitment in GMC Jammu, Check Details
Filling up of the posts of Sr. Residents/Tutors in various disciplines in Govt. Medical College and its Associated Hospitals, Jammu.
In pursuance to Govt. Order No. 383-JK(HME) of 2024 dated 20.06.2024, applications are invited from the eligible candidates (possessing requisite qualification as per latest Teachers Eligibility Qualifications in Medical Institutions Regulations, as notified by the National Medical Commission in the concerned discipline or having appeared in the final examination of the Postgraduate course) for the Written Examination (MCQ) for the engagement of tenured posts of Senior Residents and Tutors in the following disciplines of Govt. Medical College, Jammu
Name of the Posts : Sr. Residents/Tutors
Important Dates :
Date of commencement for submission of online application : 13-03-2025
Last date for submission of online applications along with fee : 12-04-2025
Age as on Ist January, 2025 : Below 45 years
The selection for the tenured position of Sr. Residents/Tutors in Govt. Medical College, Jammu shall be made on the basis of performance in Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ) based written Test only. The question paper will be of one hour duration having 50 questions (MCQ based) of 100 marks (2 marks each). There will be a negative marking of 0.25 per question.
All applications will be accepted only through email.
No application will be accepted beyond cut-off date either online or offline.
The date of the written test shall be notified separately on GMC Jammu website.
No individual communication shall be made in this regard.
The in-service candidates shall be entertained only after fulfillment of all pre-requisites, in accordance with the relevant rules, as envisaged in the J&K Civil Services Rules 1979 and application forms of such candidates should be forwarded through proper channel i.e. the Administrative Department. Otherwise the application forms received through email shall not be entertained.
The necessary instructions for filing up of application forms are as under :
1. Download the application form from the GMC Jammu website :
2. Complete the application form and make a PDF file, including all qualification documents including MBBS marks sheet of all Profs. and qualification certificate, MD/MS/DNB/MCh/DM qualification / degree certificates of the respective specialty, Internship Certificate, Date of Birth Certificate, NMC/Jammu and Kashmir Medical Council Registration Certificate, Domicile Certificate, No Objection Certificate (for in service candidates only), Affidavit and fee receipt.
3. Candidates are required to make a payment of Rs. 1500/- (Rupees One thousand Five hundred only) as the application fee in the Account Number: 0373040100000001; IFSC Code: JAKAOMEDJAM; Bank: J&K Bank; Branch: Govt. Medical College Jammu.
4. A complete PDF containing the application form, qualification documents and proof of fee payment should be emailed to the IT cell of GMC Jammu at and Non-PSC candidate shall also deposit the copy of the Application Form in all respects in the office of the Principal, GMC Jammu on or before 12-04-2025. In absence of the proof of fee payment, the application form shall be rejected, without any notice.
For Complete Details : Click here
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