Mar 18, 2025
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Job Recruitment in IRCON International Ltd

IRCON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED is a listed Navratna Central Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Railways
engaged in the construction of turnkey infrastructure projects in Railways, Highways, Buildings, Power sector, etc. The Company has recorded a turnover of more than 10261 crores in the year 2022-23. The Company has successfully completed large value Railway and Highway Projects over the years in India and abroad including Malaysia, Bangladesh, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey, Nepal, Srilanka etc.

The Company invites application for regular post of Assistant Manager/Civil for which eligibility criteria and other details are as below:

Name of the Post :- Assistant Manager/Civil (E-1)

Scale of Pay :- Rs. 40000-140000/-

Total Posts : 28


 The number of posts indicated above may vary based on further assessment of requirement. The company reserves the right to increase, decrease, cancel, restrict & modify the requirement at any point of time without assigning any reason therefor.

 Candidates working in Government, Semi-Government Organization/Public Sector Undertakings and Autonomous Bodies should apply through proper channel or furnish NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE at the time of document verification. However, in the event of difficulty in forwarding the application through proper channel/getting NOC from their parent department, they may submit an undertaking at the time of document verification that they will produce proper relieving order from their organization, in case
their name in the final merit list; otherwise they will not be allowed to join. In both cases, pay protection will be given.

 All information submitted in the application will be verified with original documents at the time of Document verification. If any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or incorrect or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria, then his/her candidature is liable to be rejected/cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process

 Candidates not in a position to join within a period of 3 months from the date of release of letter of posting need not apply.

 Candidates either working or not working as on cutoff date can apply if they full fill the prescribed eligibility criteria as mentioned above.


 Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.

 Eligible candidates have to apply through online mode. Candidates may visit the ‘HR & Career’ section >> ‘Regular Employment’ section of IRCON’s corporate website Click on ‘Apply online’ link available against the recruitment advertisement for the said post.

 Before start of filling-up of application through on-line mode, you should keep ready, the following details/ documents:

a. Valid e-mail ID & Mobile Number.

b. Scanned copy of the recent passport size colour Photograph (not older than 3 Months). You must ensure that the same photograph is used throughout this recruitment process.

c. Your scanned signature.

 “Caste Category”, once filled by you in the online application form, will not be changed.

How To Apply : 

 You should have a valid personal e-mail ID & Mobile No. and must ensure that it remains active during the entire recruitment process. Application sequence number, User ID, Password and all other important communication will be sent to the same registered e-mail ID (please ensure that email sent to this mail box is not redirected to your junk/spam folder) & mobile No.

 You should take utmost care in furnishing/providing the correct details while filling-up the online application. You can edit the information before submission of the application. Once the application is submitted, it can’t be edited and fee once paid will neither be refunded nor adjusted.

 The process for submitting the application is given below: –

a. The candidates agreeing to the terms & conditions may proceed further by clicking “I agree” check box given below and press the “Start” button.

b. Sign-up by providing the Post applied for, Candidate Name, Mobile No. and E-mail ID. The name should be as it appears in the Matriculation Certificate (Class 10th Certificate) Or Equivalent certificate awarded to you.

c. On pressing the ‘Generate OTP’ button, OTP will be sent to E-mail ID. Complete the registration by entering the OTP received by you.

d. On completion of Step-I candidates will receive User ID & Password on their registered email ID.

e. After completion of registration, login by providing User ID & Password and fill up the details pertaining to ‘Eligibility Criteria’, ‘Communication Details’ and ‘Qualification & Experience’. After that you will be required to upload your photograph, signature, scanned copy of your documents and pay requisite Application Fee through Online mode using Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking and other modes as made available in the Payment Gateway Service.

f. Candidates should mention percentage in the fields where percentage is required without rounding off. Percentage obtained in essential qualification as mentioned in consolidated mark sheet issued by University/Institution will be considered. However, in case consolidated marksheet is not being issued by University/Institute, final percentage will be calculated by taking average of all semesters/years.

g. In case CGPA/OGPA/DGPA is mentioned in marksheets, following criteria may be applied :

Instructions regarding uploading of Photograph and Signature:

You should upload the scanned (digital) image of your photograph and signature in Jpg/jpeg format, as per the process given below:

i. Photograph Image:
 Photograph must be a recent passport size colour picture on white background (not older than 03 Months).
 Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face.
 The size of the scanned image should be min. 50 kb and max. 80 kb in jpg/ jpeg format

ii. Signature image:
 You have to sign on white paper with Black ink pen.
 The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.
 Please scan the signature area only and not the entire page.
 Size of file should be min. 50 kb and max. 80 kb in Jpg/jpeg format only.


For Complete Notification : Click here 


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