LIC Kashmir Recruitment 2024, Apply now
Post: Agents/Advisors( for female candidates)
Educational eligibility: 10th and above
Age group: 18 years and above
You can become Development Officer after 4 years of continuing agency.
REMUNERATION: Commission+ Bonus+incentives.
OTHER BENEFITS: Gratuity, Term Insurance, Health Insurance, CAR/BIKE Advance, Home loan, Festival advance, Office allowance, Mobile, Laptop, Tours and many more benefits.
Self employed & Tax Consultants.
Pvt Company employees
Marketing personnel
Retired Govt officers
Pvt. School Teachers
Ex. Servicemen
Beauticians/Boutique owners
Real Estate Brokers
Stock Brokers
For Contact:
Development Officer: SADAF MEHRAJ
Send CV with your contact number on:
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