Mar 17, 2025
Jammu Kashmir JobsJobs in Jammu

Recruitment in GMC Udhampur

Advertisement for engagement of candidate for the posts of Senior Resident/ Registrar/ Tutor/ Demonstrator/ Field Demonstrator in different discipline in Government Medical College Udhampur.

Applications are invited from PSC/Non-PSC doctors, for the tenure posts of Senior Resident/ Registrar/ Tutor/ Demonstrator / Field
Demonstrator lying vacant or likely to fall vacant in the following disciplines, in terms of SO-364 of 2020 dated 27-11-2020, for a period one year at a time extendable up to three years (subject to good performance and conduct). This is without any prejudice to any writ petition lying pending before any Hon’ble Court of law:-

The specimen of application forms available on the website of GMC Udhampur.

The application form complete in all respects along with copies of all the required documents (self-attested) besides bank draft amounting to Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) payable to Principal Government Medical college, Udhampur from J&K bank only should reach the office of the undersigned on or before the last date of receipt of application for the purpose.

The selection of the candidates for the advertised post shall he made by the committee as per Govt. Order 673-JK(HME) OF 2022 DATED 19-09-2022, AND NO. 282-JK(HME) OF 2023 DATED 04-04-2023 AND CORRIGENDUM DATED:06-04-23 or any other rules which may be notified by the administration from time to time.


Incomplete application form(s) in any aspect of incomplete relevant documents submitted shall invite rejection without further communication.


1. The Inservice doctor shall be paid salary as per their LPC.
2. The in-service doctor shall be allowed to participate in the selection process only with the prior permission of the administrative department as per circular number 02-JK (HME) of 2020 dated 20-01-2020 read with government order number 03-HME of 2019 dated 27-05-2019. For the purpose, they should root their application forms through the administrative department. No advance copy shall be entertained.

3. In case of selection, they will be allowed to join only after getting relieved from the Administrative Department.


1. The non-PSC doctor shall be engaged on consolidated pay equal to basic pay for the post of Assistant Surgeon in the Health Department as per SRO-93 dated 15-04-2009 plus dearness allowances. Maximum age for eligibility to apply shall be 50 years as on cutoff date.


1. Qualifications: MD, MS, DNB, PhD or higher qualification MCH/DM/DNB (Super Speciality shall be mandatory required as per the eligible criteria of the post.

2. The doctor who was earlier appointed as Registrar/ Demonstrator in any discipline in any other Government Medical College within the UT of J&K but had left service before completing their tenure need not apply.

3. The doctors who have already completed 3 years as Registrar/ Demonstrator in any discipline need not apply and their application form shall not be entertained.

4. Any appointee (Doctor) intending to leave the job shall have to provide one-month prior notice duly forwarded by the concerned HOD or else and the doctor shall have to deposit one month salary in the institution.

5. No experience certificate shall be issued before 2 years after joining.

6. The tenure shall be terminated at any time if the work and conduct is found unsatisfactory or in case of indiscipline or misconduct.

7. The vacancy position in each speciality is liable to increase or decrease.

8. There shall be no interview.

The application form should be accompanied with self-attested copies of the following documents/ testimonials:
1. 10th Marks Card/ Diploma/ Date of Birth Certificate.
2. MBBS/ MSc degree and NMC/ State Medical Council Registration Certificate.
3. MD/ MS/ DNB/ PhD degree and NMC/ State Medical Council Registration Certificate.
4. MBBS Attempt Certificate and Internship Completion Certificate.
5. MBBS/ MSc marks card All Profs. / Semesters.
6. Domicile of UT of J&K.
7. Rural Service Experience Certificate issued by the Competent Authority/ head of the institution.
8. Paper Presentation in National/ International Conferences, Poster Presentation National/ International Conferences.
9. Best Poster Award, Best Paper Award & Best Video Presentation.
10. Service certificate (clearly indicating Rural Service if any) issued by the Director Health Services Jammu/ Srinagar in respect of in-service candidates.
11. NOC from Administrative Department Health and Medical Education in case of in-service candidate.
12. The candidate must furnish an affidavit attested by the 1ST class magistrate to the effect that He/ She has neither completed nor doing and never left the Registrar Shis/ Senior Residency/ Demonstrator Ship Midway in any discipline.
13. Distinction/ National Scholarship/ Honours/ Medals/ Academic merit Certificate.
14. PSC candidates if selected will be permitted to join after furnishing relieving from the Administrative Department.
Last date of Receipt of Application forms : -14-03-2024

Further Details : 


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