Recruitment in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Jammu
Walk in interview for the post of TGT (Computer Science) purely on contract basis for the session 2024-25 is scheduled to be held in this Vidyalaya on 17-08-2024. The interview timing has been fixed 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Interested candidates can attend the Walk-in-interview in the Vidyalaya on 17-08-2024 with all original certificates of educational qualification and experience.
Candidates can visit Vidyalaya website: us/ About-JNV/under Exam and Results tab under notification section to download provided application form and send duly filled application form by e-mail on or before 15-08-2024 upto 4: 00 PM.
Essential qualification of TGT (Computer Science) is as under:-
1. BCA from a recognized University
Graduation in Computer Science from a recognized University (Provided that the Computer Science subject must be studied in all years as main subject).
BE/B Tech. (Computer Science/Information Technology) from a recognized University.
2. B.Ed. Degree.
3. Passed Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) Paper-II conducted by CBSE in accordance with the guidelines framed by the NCTE, for the purpose.
Note :
Non-B.Ed candidates and non-qualified CTET candidates can also apply and appear in walk in interview. However non-B.Ed and non-qualified CTET candidates will be considered only in case of non-availability of B.Ed and CTET qualified candidates.
Address : Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Gharota, District Jammu-I (J&K)
For any query contact : 9797258596, 8261886164
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