Mar 15, 2025
Government JobsJammu Kashmir Jobs

Recruitment of Anganwadi Helpers/Workers in Mahore

Engagement/Hiring of Helpers/AAYA’s under ECCE for the year 2024-25

Advertisement Notice

In pursuance of Govt, order no:- MOI, Gol Society Order No. 07-CHIRAG-2023, dated:-09-01-2023 Vide. Director Samagra Shiksha, J&K Order No. Edu/PD/SmS/ECCE/AAYA/4517-41/2024-25 Dated:-23-04-2024 & amendments made in the previous order mentioned ibid, vide society Order No.l50-Chirag of 2023 dated:-21- 09-2023, Chief Education Officer Reasi No:- CEO/Rsi/SmS/599-603 Dated:- 30-04-2024. The village level application on prescribed format are hereby invited from the female candidates of the village in which the School falls having registered on UDISE Portal and having enrollment as minimum 05 or more than 05 in “Pre-Primary” for engagement/Hiring as Helper/AAYAs under the ECCE for the year 2024-25. as per terms and conditions laid/mentioned below.

1. Only female Candidate can apply as per the order of higher authorities.

2. The candidate must be the domicile of the village where approved School is located.

3. Candidate must be belonging to BPL Category.

4. Candidate must be physically/mentally fit to carry-out her job.

5. Qualification Certificate having minimum 8th passed incase there is no eligible candidate in Village then the candidate having lesser qualification shall be considered.

6. Preference shall be given to candidates from BPL Category in the below-mentioned Order of Priority:

i. Widow

ii. Divorced

iii. Orphan

7. The age of a candidate must be between 18-45 years as on 01-01-2024.

8. The candidate shall be in receipt of honorarium of Rs. 5000/per month which may vary as per approval in the subsequent year in PAB of Samagra Shiksha.

9. In case of misconduct/misbehavior U/S have the right to terminate the helper/AAYA in consultation with panchayat halqa and report from concerned HOI. The replacement for the new AAYA/Helper shall be made within 7 days.

10. The job chart of the AAYA/Helper shall be issued separately.

11. If anybody feels aggrieved with the selection of Helper/AAYA an appeal shall be preferred to the Chief Education Officer Reasi with in a period of 15 days from the selection and if not resolved the second appeal may be filled before the Director School Education Jammu.

12. In case of TIE up cases the preference shall be given to the senior/elder in age.

13. The advertised post is purely on temporary basis and candidate if selected shall not claim for permanent absorption and the candidate shall submit an undertaking in the shape of affidavit duly attested by Judicial Magistrate in this record.

Further Details :-


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