Recruitment of Drivers in District and Session Courts , J&K
A fresh advertisement notice, in continuation to Advertisement Notice no. 1 of 2022 dated: 14.09.2022 is issued and candidates who have already applied in pursuance of Advertisement Notice No. 1 of 2022 dated: 14.09.2022 need not to apply again and applications on the prescribed format are invited for filing of 01 (one) post of Driver in the pay scale of Rs. 19900-63200 Level 2 and other allowances admissible by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir from time to time.
Name of the Post : Driver
Class : V
Category : E
Scale of Pay : LEVEL-2 (19900-63200)
No. Of Posts : 01 (OM)
Date of commencement for submission of offline applications 11-11-2024
Last date for submission of offline applications 30-11-2024
Last date for submission of the fee 30-11-2024
The candidates applying for the aforesaid posts of Driver should fulfil the following eligibility criteria:
I. That any candidate who is domicile of UT of J&K.
II. That the candidates should possess the domiciles of UT of Jammu and Kashmir in terms of S.O 166 dated 18.05.2020 issued by GAD, Government of Jammu and Kashmir and those who are residents of UT of J & K for a period of not less than 15 years before the date of applying and is actually residing in the area.
III. That the age of candidates as on 01.01.2022 should be:
a) Not below 18 years, and
b) Not above 40 in the case for General category,
c) 43 years in case of SC/ST/RBA/ALC/OSC/OBC,
d) 48 years in case of Ex Servicemen,
e) 40 years in case of candidates in Government Service/Contractual employees;
IV. That the candidates are in possession of the prescribed minimum qualification i.e. 10th/Matric from a recognized School Board and must possess a valid driving license with LMV/HMV endorsement.
V. The last date of submission of application forms i.e. 30.11.2024 by 4.00 P.m, and thereafter no application shall be entertained.
VI. That the candidates should have deposited (non-refundable) fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) through Demand Draft from J&K Bank in the name of Principal District & Sessions Judge, Udhampur.
VII. That the candidates who are already engaged on adhoc or daily wage basis in the Subordinate Courts shall be eligible to apply irrespective of the minimum and maximum standards of age, and they shall deemed to be given relaxation in the minimum and maximum standards of age.
I. Self-attested copy of certificates showing required qualification.
II. Self-attested copy of valid driving license and experience if any.
III. Character certificate from concerned Police Station.
IV. Self-attested copy of date of birth/ proof of age.
V. Self-attested copy of domicile.
a) Candidates shall submit the printout of the Application Form (Annexure A) /fee payment receipt in the office of Principal District & Sessions Judge, Udhampur w.e.f 11.11.2024.
b) If a candidate is found to be failing to meet any of the conditions mentioned in the eligibility criteria, his application form shall not be entertained/ deemed to be rejected.
c) Please note that above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. In no other mode, the Application Form would be accepted
d) No Application Form (Annexure A) shall be entertained after the cut-off date fixed for receipt of the same.
e) Before applying offline, candidates are advised to carefully go through the guidelines for offline submission of applications from the District Court official Website
f) Call letters will not be issued individually, however wide publicity shall be given through print, electronic media and the district Court official Website about the date/venue, of written/skill test (driving test) for information of all eligible candidates. No claim of being unaware of the dates/schedule for written test/skill test (driving), shall be entertained.
g) The in-service candidates / contractual employees shall submit the photocopy of the filled up offline application form through proper channel viz, the concerned Head of Department. In the event of failure of the candidate to route the application through proper channel, his /her eligibility shall be assessed as if he/she is not an in-service candidate. The Head of Department concerned shall forward the application form of the in-service candidates at the address of the Principal District & Sessions Court Udhampur within the above referred period after filing their Application Form.
h) The last date for the submission of offline application forms as prescribed above shall be the cut-off date for determining the eligibility to apply for the post. The age limit, however, is determinable with reference to the 1st of January, 2022. Any qualification/experience acquired after the last date of receipt/submission of the offline application form i.e. 30-11-2024 shall not be taken into account for any purpose.
i) No TA/DA shall be paid for participation in the written test/ skill test (driving test).
There shall be a written test and skill test (driving test), the following criteria are laid down for conducting the test for determining the knowledge and level of driving skill.
PART 1 Written test to determine the general knowledge and the traffic rules
PART 2 Based on merit obtained in the written test, the candidates shall be called for determining the driving skills in the ratio 1:5
Cumulative grade of the marks obtained in the written examination and interview shall form the final merit.
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