Mar 16, 2025
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Various Jobs in Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

Notice for empanelment/ engagement of services of Teachers, female staff nurse and Counsellor (male & female) purely on contract basis for the session 2024-25.

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (residential co-educational school system under Navodaya Vidyalaya samiti, ministry of education, department of school education & literacy, govt of India), invites applications from the eligible candidates for empanelment and engagement of services of teachers (PGTS/TGTS/ Misc categories of teachers), female staff nurse and counsellor (male & female), purely on contract basis for the academic session 2024-25 in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas of Punjab, Himachal pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir (U.T), ladakh (U.T) and chandigarh (U.T).

Applications are invited through online mode only (through google form except counselor (male/female) post, no other mode will be entertained), whose link is placed on the website of Navodaya vidyalaya samiti, regional office, Chandigarh i.e. Https://navodaya.Gov.In/nvs/ro/chandigarh/en/home/index.Html. Jnvs being residential in nature, makes it mandatory for the teachers, female staff nurse, counsellor (male and female) (for jnvs) to reside in the vidyalaya campus, to attend residential school duties besides their routine duties. Boarding and lodging would be provided as per the availability in the JNY and as per NVS norms.

Name of the Post : Teachers, female staff nurse and Counsellor (male & female)

Note :

The detailed guidelines for the engagement of services of teachers, female staff nurse and counsellor (male & female) pure-ly on contract basis for various posts for the session 2024-25 as applicable are available on ro website as stated above.

Only the shortlisted candidates (as per criteria fixed by the samiti) will be informed for personal interaction on their registered e-mail address.

Personal interaction will be held at the designed Centres which will be communicated to the candidates on their registered email id by the concerned venue principal.

Candidates are requested to visit NVS Ro Chandigarh website regularly for any updates.

Bay no. 26-27, sector 31-a, chandigarh-160030



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