GMC Kathua Walk-In Interview Notice for 15 Posts
Application forms are invited through walk-in interview from Non-PSC doctors who arc domicile of UT of J&K for the tenure posts of Junior Resident in various specialties in Govt. Medical College, Kathua as per schedule given below :
Name of the Posts : Junior Residents
Total Posts : 15
Important Dates :
Date of Interview :04-01-25
Reporting time for interview : 09:30 AM
Verification of documents : 10:00 AM
Timing of interview : 11:00 AM
List of documents (One self-attested photocopy set along with the originals) in the proper sequence as mentioned below :
a. 10th Marks Card/ Diploma/ DOB Certificate.
b. MOBS Degree and NMC/State Medical Council Registration certificate.
c. MD/MS/DNI3 Degree and NMC/State Medical Council Registration certificate.
d. MBBS Attempt Certificate and Internship Completion Certificate.
e. MBBS Marks Card All Profs/Semesters.
f. Domicile of UT of J& K.
g. Profess at publications. published in indexed/ national journals, as prescribed
h. Any other special attributes/certificates-Nee ‘C’ Certificate. 1st/2ns/3rd position in academics or distinction.
i. Any other relevant document may he asked for submission. Keep two sets of photocopied documents along with the original documents readily available.
Note: Mere submission of the above-mentioned doe Ills doesn’t imply that the candidate is eligible for the post. In case of any dispute. the decision of the Principal, Govt. Medical College. Kathua shall be final.
Candidates will he required to produce relevant certificates as mentioned above in original also as proof of having acquired the prescribed educational qualification on or before the cut-off date fixed for walk-in interview, failing which the candidature of such candidates shall he cancelled by the selection committee.
Candidates may note that their candidature will remain provisional till the genuineness of their documents relating to educational qualification is verified by the Appointing Authority.
No representation/ request for change in interview date or liming shall be entertained, whatsoever be the reason.
The candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification and certificates to satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post. If the documents submitted by the candidates arc not found substantiated or correct by the committee at any point of time, the candidature will be cancelled, Criminal Proceedings under law shall be initiated, or any other action as may be deemed appropriate by the committee, shall be taken.
The decision of the committee in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, penalty for false information, mode of selection, conduct of interview and preparation of merit list & Cadre/Department allocation, debarment for indulging in malpractices would be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry/ correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Selections will be made as per latest Selection Criteria published on this college website.
No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in the interview.
VACANCIES : There are 15 vacancies for the post of Junior Resident in various departments of GMC Kathua. The departments shall be allotted solely at the discretion of the undersigned and as per the requirement of the institution. Postings may be rotated every three months in the interest of administration and smooth functioning of all the Deparments.
Note : The vacancies have been advertised as per the posts which are falling vacant or likely to fall vacant. However, the Department may withdraw/ alter number of vacancies or decides not to fill up vacancies at any point of time till the completion of selection process without any further notice.
For Complete Details : Click here
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