Mar 18, 2025
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Central University Jammu Advertisement for the Research Staff under PURSE Grant

Applications are invited from interested and motivated candidates for the post of Project Associate-I & II in a time bound under Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE) grant sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology (SR/PURSE/2023/204) for a temporary period purely on contractual basis as per the following details:

1. Name of the Post : Project Associate-I (PA-I) , Project Associate-II (PA-II)

2. Number of Post : Project Associate-I – 01 (One) ,Project Associate-II – 01 (One)

3. Title of the Project : Drone technology based real time air pollution online monitoring at dumping sites in Jammu Region – adsorption & Sensors application using innovative biomaterials

4. Tenure of the Assignment : One year (initially), extendable up to two years (or till the completion of this project whichever is earlier) subject to satisfactory performance

5. Name of the Sponsoring Agency : Department of Science & Technology (DST), New Delhi

6. Essential Qualification : :Project Associate-I
• PG degree in life sciences/ Material Science/EVS or other relevant subjects from a   recognized                                               University/ Institution withminimum 60% Marks in aggregate or equivalent CGPA.

Project Associate-II
• PG degree in Environmental Science/ Material Science or other relevant subjects from a recognized  University/ Institution with minimum 60% Marks in aggregate or equivalent CGPA.

7. Desirable Qualifications/Experiences • Students with Valid NET / GATE / JRF (CSIR / UGC/ DBT /ICMR) or any other equivalent examination will be given preference.
8. Monthly Fellowship : Project Associate-I: Rs. 31,000 + 8% HRA

Project Associate-II: Rs. 35,000 + 8% HRA

No. CUJ/PURSE/2025/15


For more information click link below:

Advertisement for the Research Staff under PURSE Grant

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