Central University Kashmir Notification for conduct of VAC/MDC/SEC/AEC & OGE Courses
In continuation to the date sheets notified vide No.: CUK/EEW/ESE/DEC/2024/441/6130 Dated:21-11-2024 &
CUK/EEW/ESE/DEC/2024/441/6298 Dated:10-02-2025, the conduct of examination for the various Multi-
Disciplinary Courses (MDC), Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC), Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC), Open
Generic Courses (OGE) & Value Added Courses (VAC) shown against each programme(s) of study, are scheduled
as under, at their respective Department(s) of the University:
Date of Examination: 7-3-25 to 21-3-25
1. The timing and venue of the examination shall remain the same as already notified.
2. Paper Scheme/ Pattern applicable shall be the one offered by the department(s) offering such courses.
3. Above notification with regard to the conduct of examination of courses given above, is also applicable to all
the backlog candidates, if any.
F. No: CUK/EEW/ESE/DEC/2024/441/6318
Dated: 2 8 . 0 2 . 2 0 2 5
Click link below:
Notification for conduct of VAC/MDC/SEC/AEC & OGE Courses (Dated on 28-02-2025) 28-02-2025