Central University of Kashmir Notice Regarding Conduct of Recruitment Test
University Jobs: Name of Post
Multi-tasking Staff (MTS)
Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
Reporting Time : 10:30AM
Closing Time of Examination Centre Gates : 11:00AM
Instructions for Candidates :
1. No candidate shall be allowed to sit in the examination without the valid Admit Card issued by the CUK and a valid photo Identity Card for verification.
2. Aadhar card, Voter Card, Driving License and passport in original shall be treated as valid photo identity card for verification.
3. The candidates shall use blue or black ball point pen only and it shall be the sole responsibility of the candidate to ensure that the entries are correctly made on the OMR sheet/Answer booklet and any lapse in this regard on the part of the candidate will not make the University in anyway responsible and the candidate will not have any right to claim any benefit
which he/she may lose because of such lapse.
4. The test/examination shall comprise of two papers i.e Paper-A and Paper-B. Paper-A will have multiple choice questions (OMR based) and Paper-B will be descriptive type. Paper-A is of 90 minutes duration and will start at 11:30AM and will conclude at 1:00PM. Paper-B is also of 90 minutes duration and will start at 1:30PM and will conclude at 3:00PM. During the half an hour gap from 1:00PM to 1:30PM, the candidates will not be allowed to leave the examination centre.
5. In case of multiple-choice questions (OMR Based), each questions carry ONE MARK (01) for correct answer, and negative marking of MINUS 0.25 (point two five) for every wrong answer.
6. The candidate shall be disqualified from the examination/written test if he/she uses or attempts to use unfair-means in any manner or attempt to disrupt conduct of the examination.
7. The criminal prosecution shall be launched against the candidate if he/she resorts to cunning stratagem of impersonation and shall be debarred from appearing in the examination permanently for any future examination as may be decided by the University.
8. The candidates are advised to reach their respective examination centre on time, the reporting time is mentioned on the admit card.
9. The candidates should check the Roll No., Date of Test, Time of Test, reporting time at examination centre and Centre Location mentioned on the Admit Card.
10. The candidate shall carry with them two (2) extra passport size photographs.
For Complete Details : Click here
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