Cluster University Srinagar applications for the post of Vice-Chancellor
A person of highest level of academic credentials, administrative competence, integrity, morals and institutional commitment.
Experience : Having outstanding academic record throughout and a minimum of 10 years’ experience as a Professor in a University system
Age: Not more than 65 years of age as on the closing date of receipt of applications of this dvertisement.
Salary: Rs. 2,10,000/- (Fixed) per month with a special allowance of Rs.11,250/- and other usual allowances.
Procedure : The advertisement, format of online application and undertaking are available on the u n i v e r s i t y website /
Application form complete in all respects along with the detailed resume (in pdf format only) is to be emailed by or before 20th April 2024, 05.00PM through email address:
NOC from parent organisation must also reach the office of the undersigned by or before the last date of submission of application viz 20.04.2024.
No hard copy shall be accepted.
Dated: 31-3-24
Click link below:
Cluster University of Srinagar Invites applications for the post of Vice-Chancellor 29-March-2024