GMC Jammu Interview Notice for the post of Project Technical Officer
Interview Notice for the post of Project Technical Officer purely on Temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “New ISCALL-Improving survival in childhood- Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in India (IS-CALL) ICICLE implementation study” in GMC, Jammu.
NOTICE In continuation to this office Notification/advertisement issued vide No: GMCJ/Adv. ISCALL/2024/151-155 dated: 06.08.2024, the Interview for the post of Project Technical Officer purely on Temporary basis in the Extramural Research Project titled “New ISCALL-Improving survival in childhood- Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in India (IS-CALL) ICICLE implementation study” shall be conducted on 27.02.2025 at 02:00 PM in the Office chamber of Undersigned, Govt. Medical College, Jammu.
The candidates whose name in merit lists are required to bring their Original documents and one Xerox copy (self attested) at the time of Interview..
The list of Candidates appearing for Interview is enclosed as Annexure -“A”.
For Complete Interview Details : Click here
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