GMC Srinagar Written Test Notice for Senior Residents post
It is hereby notified for information of all those candidates who have applied for the tenure post of Senior Residents in the following disciplines in response to this office advertisement Notice No. 01-RA of 2025 Dated. 01-01-2025, that their written examination(s) shall be held on 27-02-2025 (Thursday) from 02.00 PM to 03.00 PM in Government Medical College, Srinagar
1. Dermatology
2. General Paediatrics
3. Medicine
4. Pathology
5. Physiology
6. Psychiatry
7. Radiodiagnosis & Imaging
8. Surgical Gastroenterology
The admit-cards/roll no. slips of the candidates shall be available w.e.f. 23-02-2025 in their respective Registered User Accounts through which they applied for tenure post of Senior Resident
On the actual day of the examination, i.e. 27.02.2025, the candidates shall report at the examination center one hour before commencement of the examination for verification of their identity along with their admit cards (colored format only) and anyone of the following documents as proof of their identity: –
a. Photo Identity card issued by the competent authority.
b. Driving license.
c. Pan card/Adhaar card.
The selection shall be made purely on the basis of merit obtained by the candidates in the written examination. However, in case of tie in merit obtained in the written test between two or more candidates, the candidates older in age shall be given preference.
NB :
Admit Card shall be available in the User Accounts of only those candidates who have submitted their hardcopy of application form
in the office of the undersigned/eligible as per the criteria. Mobile phones, Electronic Gadgets, Smart watches are not allowed
in the examination Center.
For Complete Details : Click here
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