Government Polytechnic College Admission Notice 2024-25
Admission in Three Year Diploma Programme (Engineer/ Non-Engineering) Courses in 1st Semester for the Session 2024-25 against few leftover seats at Government Polytechnic College Doda.
In reference to the notice issued by the Secretary, J&K Board of Technical Education, Srinagar vide No. 32-BOTE of 2024: 23-07-2024 issued under the endoresement No. BOTE/Adm/24/2204-2211 Dated: 23-07-2024, applications are invited from the eligible candidates for admission in Three Years Diploma against the left-over seats in the following disciplines in this institution for the academic session 2024-25:-
S.No. Branch
1. Mechanical Engineering
2. Civil Engineering
3. Office Management & Computer Applications (OMCA)
Certificates required :-
1. Marks certificate of 10th class from a recognized Board with not less than 35% marks.
2. Domicile Certificate.
3. School Leaving Certificate (Provisional).
Important :-
1. The last date of admission is 20-08-2024 (Timing:- 10.00 am to 04.00 pm).
Note :
Admission of candidates will be done on the spot in the institute on the basis of Merit and the Choice/ availability of the seat.
Further Details :
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