Govt Dental College & Hospital, Srinagar Written Examination Schedule Announced
This is for information of all the candidates who have applied for House Job advertised vide No. GDC/Estt/Notification/HJ/File-2024/7987-8002 dated:17-10-2024 that the written examination for House Job will be conducted on 30-12-2024 at 1.30 PM in the Auditorium Block of Government Dental College & Hospital, Srinagar subject to the following conditions:-
1. That sitting in the written examination is provisionally subject to verification of all parameters as required.
2. Place of Examination Center will be notified before the date of examination.
3. Candidates are advised to straight away proceed to their notified examination center without making any assembly in the College campus.
4. No personal belongings shall be allowed in the examination Hall which includes smart watches, Cell phones, electronic gadgets, handbags etc.
5. Candidates shall carry blue or black ball point pen only.
6. Candidates shall bring acknowledgement card along with on the day of examination download at the time of submission of application form.
PHONENO :0194-2504701,0194-2504702.
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