Mar 17, 2025
Government NotificationsNotifications

Result of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Judicial) Examination 2023 – Deployment of candidates for Medical Examination thereof

Whereas, the Department of Law, Justice & Parliamentary Affairs, vide letter No. Law-JUD/88/2021-10 dated 26.08.2023, referred 69 posts of Civil Judge (Junior Division), to the J&K Public Service Commission for being filled up through the Competitive Examination; and,

Whereas, these posts were advertised by the Commission vide Notification No. 35-PSC(DR-P) of 2023 dated 27.08.2023; and,

Whereas, J&K Civil Services (Judicial) [Preliminary] Examination-2023, was conducted on 08.10.2023 in which 3266 candidates appeared in full; and,

Whereas, as per the criteria fixed by the Commission, a total of 1162 candidates were declared to have qualified for the Mains Examination vide Notification No. PSC/Exam/S/2023/64 dated 13.10.2023; and,

Whereas, J&K Civil Services (Judicial) [Mains] Examination-2023 was conducted from 08.11.2023 to 20.11.2023; and,

Whereas, as per the criteria fixed by the Commission, 208 candidates were declared to have qualified for interview vide Notification No. PSC/Exam/S/2024/01 dated 06.03.2024; and,

Whereas, the viva-voce of these candidates was conducted w.e.f 19.03.2024 to 03.04.2024 at JKPSC Office, Resham Ghar Colony, Bakshi Nagar, Jammu; and,

Whereas, one candidate bearing Roll No.9100666 was not interviewed as the candidate failed to produce the EWS certificate. As a consequence, the candidate bearing Roll No.9101362, being next in order of merit, was called for interview under the said category;and,

Whereas, the Commission in its meeting held on 03.04.2024, decided to declare the result of the candidates who appeared in the interview by notifying their aggregate marks while publishing a list of the candidates to be summoned for Medical Examination in accordance with the relevant rules.

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the provisions contained in Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Judicial) Recruitment Rules, 1967 read with SRO No. 5

dated 04.01.1968 and SRO 254 of 2017 dated 20.06.2017, J&K Public Service Commission (Conduct of Examination) Rules 2022 and J&K Reservation Rules, 2005 (SRO 294) :

The result of candidates, who appeared in the viva-voce (interview) of J&K Civil Services (Judicial) Examination-2023, is hereby notified as per Annexure-I to this notification.

Consequent upon (i) above, 69 candidates as per Annexure-II of this notification, on the basis of their aggregate merit in the written examination and viva-voce (interview), have qualified for Medical Examination and are directed to report to the respective Medical Boards constituted/or to be constituted in Government Medical College Jammu & Srinagar for conduct of their Medical Examination as per proforma, in accordance with rules on the subject. The Medical Board, date and venue shall be notified separately.

The candidates recommended for medical examination will have to pay a fee as prescribed, before Medical check-up.


Mere calling a candidate for Medical Examination shall not confer any right on him/her to be recommended for selection.

Detailed marks cards shall be available on the website of the Commission after completion of the examination process and after forwarding the select list to the Government for making appointments.

The lists notified as Annexure-I & II to this notification are provisional and subject to the outcome of the writ petition(s , if any, pending before any Competent Court of jurisdiction

Result of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Judicial) Examination 2023 Deployment of candidates for Medical Examination thereof – Check Notification


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