Mar 14, 2025
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JKBOPEE Admission Notice Regarding B.Sc. Nursing Courses-2024

Admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Courses-2024 in Government / Private Colleges /Institutions of UT of J&K: Invitation of online applications thereof.

Online Applications are invited from the eligible/desirous candidates who intend to appear in the Entrance Test for admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Courses for the academic session-2024 in Government / Private Colleges / Institutions of UT of J&K. The selection of the candidates to such courses shall be regulated by the J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examination Act, 2002 and the Rules and Regulations there under; Jammu & Kashmir Reservation Act, 2004 as amended vide J&K Re-organization Act, 2019, J&K Reservation Rules, 2005 as amended vide S.O. 69 dated 28-02-2020, S.O. 249 dated 23-07-2021, S.O. 277 dated 13-08-2021, S.O 176 of 2024 dated 15-03-2024 and subject to further amendments, if any, made by the Competent Authority, from time to time and the guidelines as contained in the Electronic Information Brochure-2024.

Important Information:

1. Receipt of online application forms: w.e.f. 11-05-2024.

2. Last date for filling the online application forms: 25-05-2024 (Midnight).

3. Fee of Rs. 1000/ (Rupees one thousand only) to be paid online through National Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking.

4. The e-Information Brochure can be downloaded from the BOPEE website viz

5. The syllabus for the examination/test is available in the e-Brochure.

6. Date of Common Entrance Test: (tentatively on 09-06-2024).

7. The candidates, in their own interest, are advised to go through the Information Brochure before filling up the Online Application Form. The Board shall not be responsible for any act of omission or commission in filling up of the Online Application Form by the candidate(s). It is incumbent upon the candidates to go through the information contained in the e-Information Brochure and agree to the conditions contained therein.

8. The candidates are further advised to remain in touch with the BOPEE website The Board does not undertake any responsibility for any delay caused in publication of Notices/ Notifications in the Print Media (Newspapers) as delay, if any, in such publication(s) is not within the control of the Board, notwithstanding that the Board notifies the same on its official website and forward the same for publication in the newspapers simultaneously on the date of issue of the said Notifications/Notices etc.

9. The Entrance Examination, conducted by the Board shall be offline.

Online Application forms:

The procedure for filling up of Application Form and eligibility etc. of the candidates has been given in detail in the e- Information Brochure.

Help Desk:

The applicants can also contact the Help Desk of I.T. Section of the BOPEE during the office hours and on working days only on 0194-2437647 / 0194-2433590/0191-2470102/ 0191-2479371 and or email- at for any assistance / guidance in this regard.

Submission of Online Application Forms:

The interested candidates are required to upload the following scanned original / selfattested certificates in PDF format with size from 100-200 KB along with the Application Form:-

i) Domicile of UT of J&K/UT of Ladakh as the case may be (For Candidates of UT of Ladakh, ST certificate issued by the Competent Authority of Ladakh shall be treated as Domicile Certificate);

(ii) Qualifying marks (12th Class) certificate;

(iii) GNM Marks Card of all Semesters/Years;

(iv) Registration certificate issued by J&K Paramedical Council;

(v) Valid Reserved category certificate, if any,

(vi) Any other documents, as requested.

The candidates who have appeared/appearing in final year/Sem. of GNM examination 2024 and whose result is pending can also apply for the same subject to the condition that they shall have to submit the final year/sem marks card at the time of counseling/admission, as may be decided by the Board, otherwise their candidature shall be rejected without any further claim(s) from such students.

However, it is for the information of all the concerned that afore-titled documents as required for submission of application form shall be considered provisional and subject to change(s), if any, as may be notified by the Government subsequently.


The candidates applying for admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Programme must fulfill the following eligibility criteria;

A candidate must:

i) a Domicile of UT of J&K/UT of Ladakh as the case may (For Candidates belonging to UT of Ladakh, ST certificate issued by Competent Authority of Ladakh shall be treated as Domicile Certificate);

ii) have passed 10+2 or Equivalent Examination from a Recognized Board and have obtained a Certificate in General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) Examination and Registered as R.N.R.M. with J&K Paramedical Nursing Council. A male Nurse, trained before the implementation of new Integrated Course besides being registered as a Nurse with J&K Paramedical Nursing Council, shall produce evidence of training approved by Indian Nursing Council for a similar duration in lieu of midwifery in any one of the areas such as O.T. Techniques, Ophthalmic Nursing, Leprosy Nursing, T.B. Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Neurological and Neuro Surgical Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Cancer Nursing, Orthopaedic Nursing;

iii) be medically fit.


a. The syllabus for Entrance Test for this course is available in the e-Information Brochure which is available on the BOPEE website.

b. The tentative number of seats, Reservation Policy etc. (Reservation shall be only applicable to Govt. Colleges/ Institutions) for the examination is given in the e-Information Brochure.

In case the Board conducts the entrance examination, it shall be conducted in one sitting of two hours duration and the paper shall contain 120 questions comprising different sections.

Note – I

The eligibility is bare minimum/provisional and shall be subject to such changes/bench marks as may be fixed by the concerned Competent Authority/ University. The Board shall on receipt of any such communication from the concerned authority/University notify the same, which shall govern the eligibility criteria.

Original Documents required to be submitted in the Institution at the time of Admission:-

a) All Marks Certificates of the GNM Course;

b) Marks Card of 12th Class;

c) Domicile Certificate for candidates belonging to UT of J&K and ST Certificate as a Domicile for candidates belonging to UT of Ladakh;

d) Category Certificate, if any (applicable for Govt. Colleges/ Institutions only);

e) Registration Certificate issued by J&K Paramedical Council;

f) Any other document as may be required by the Institution.

Roll No Slip/Admit Card:

The Notification for downloading of online electronic Admit Cards will be issued separately.

Venue for Conduct of Examination:

The Common Entrance Examination, if any, shall be conducted offline at Jammu / Srinagar centers simultaneously as may be decided by the Board.

Issuance of Admit Cards and Date of Test:

Information with regard to availability of Online Admit Cards, Venue and Time of the Common Entrance Test will be issued separately in due course of time.


1. The online submitted Application Form is purely provisional and is liable to be cancelled at any stage subject to the final verification of the documents and even at any stage, where such a document is proved to be fake/false.

2. The candidature of those candidates, who may have uploaded wrong category or submitted in correct / wrong application form during online process, shall be liable to be rejected without any further notice to such candidates. However, they can rectify their correction(s), if any, by submitting a representation physically at BOPEE office Jammu / Srinagar on or before last date fixed by Board for filling up of online application forms.

3. Mere submission of the Online Application Forms and appearance of the aspiring candidate in the Common Entrance Test shall not confer any preferential right/claim for admission upon the intending applicants, but shall be subject to the fulfillment of the eligibility criteria and the qualification prescribed for the said course at the time of admission to the respective college, if provisionally selected.

4. The seats shall be provisionally allotted to the candidates purely on the basis of the online information filled by the candidates (including category) during Online Application Form. In case the candidates have filled/uploaded wrong category during Online Application Form, the seat shall be allotted accordingly and the Board shall not be responsible for the same. Hence, the candidates are advised to rectify their mistake(s) if any, before the allotment of the seats.

Website : http://

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