Mar 15, 2025
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JKBOPEE Admission Notice to 10th Based Paramedical Diploma Courses-2024

Conduct of Stray Round of Physical Counselling for upgradation/allotment of seats for admission to 10th Based Paramedical Diploma Courses-2024 in various Colleges/Institutions of UT of J&K.

Reference :

Notification No. 158-BOPEE of 2024 dated 07.11.2024.

Notification No. 163-BOPEE of 2024 Dated 08-11-2024

Pursuant to Notification No. 158-BOPEE of 2024 dated 07-11-2024, the Board has received shortfall from various Colleges/Institutions of UT of J&K. In order to fill up these shortfall seats along with the seats which have remained unfilled during the second/Mop Up round of counselling, it is hereby notified for information of all concerned candidates that the Board shall conduct the Stray Round of Physical Upgradation/Allotment counselling as per the schedule given below:

S.No. Date/Day of Counselling Rank Remarks

1 14-11-2024 (Thursday) 001-1462 All Candidates including Reserved Category Candidates

1. The eligible and willing candidates have to report at the BOPEE offices Jammu / Srinagar for Registration/Attendance & fulfilment of other formalities, from 8.30 a.m. upto 10.00 a.m. on the day/date of counselling.

2. All the candidates who are participating in the Counselling shall bring along the following documents in original on the day of their Counselling failing which they shall not be allowed to attend the Counselling:

i) Domicile Certificate;

ii) 10th Marks Card;

iii) Valid Category Certificate, if applicable;

iv) Date of Birth Certificate (Diploma/10th Class Marks Card)

3. The candidates participating 1st time shall have to deposit the Counselling fee for Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) through the POS Machines available at the BOPEE office Jammu / Srinagar through Debit /Credit Cards. Any candidate who fails to deposit the counselling fee shall not be allowed to participate in the counselling process

4. The candidate(s) who have been allotted Seat / College of their choice and have joined the respective institutions need not to attend this Round of counselling.

5. Those candidate(s) who have been allotted seat(s) during First Round of Counselling & have joined on the respective allotted seat & Institutions & are interested for upgradation of his/her seat can participate in this stray Round of Physical Counselling with the condition that he/she shall have to produce his/her fee deposition receipt of the concerned allotted College at the time of Registration/Attendance on his/her day/date of counselling, otherwise he/she shall not be allowed to participate in the Counselling process.

6. Those Candidates who got the seat in the 1st round and have upgraded in the 2nd / Mop up round shall not be eligible in this round of counselling.

7. Candidate(s) who has / have opted for C.N.A. / S.N.A. or who could not attend counselling due to unavoidable circumstances are also eligible to attend the stray Round of Physical Counselling for up-gradation / allotment of seats.

8. The candidate(s) who have been allotted Seat(s) during first or 2nd Mop-Up Round of counselling, but have failed to join against the said allotted seat/College, are also eligible to participate in this physical round of counselling.

9. The Board shall firstly conduct the counselling of Horizontal and Reserved Category candidates which are received as shortfall after 2nd/Mop Up round and if any reserved category seat(s) remains unfilled due to non-availability of eligible candidates, then those seats shall be converted into O.M in terms of Section 9(2) of J&K Reservation Act, 2004 and shall be filled up accordingly as per merit.

10. The candidate(s) participating in this physical round of counselling and getting allotted a seat, should in their own interest not to leave the Board office as there is a possibility that a seat of his/her choice, which was not available on his/her turn of counselling may become available during the process, he/ she can stake a claim on such a seat immediately once the seat is displayed in the seat matrix on the monitor of the Board, consequent upon its vacation by a candidate so that such a candidate is considered for allotment of the seat on merit cum preference basis. The seat allotted to him/her earlier shall become vacant and be added to the seat matrix. The Board shall not be responsible in case a candidate leaves the Board office and he/she fails to stake a claim on a seat as may become available as discussed above.

11. The Board reserves the right to notify such changes as may become necessary in view of any technical difficulty or the reasons beyond its control.


Seat matrix shall be uploaded separately within due course of time before counselling and all the participating/eligible candidates are advised to go through seat matrix before participating in the counselling process.

The other terms and conditions shall remain the same as notified by the Board in the eInformation Brochure and Notifications/Notices issued from time to time in this regard.

Further Details : 


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