Mar 16, 2025
Government NotificationsNotifications

JKBOPEE Important Notification

Provisional Merit List (PML) of NEET MDS Courses-2024 for candidates belonging to the UT of J&K/Ladakh : Inviting of objections thereof.


(i) Notification No. 039-BOPEE of 2024 dated 03-07-2024.

(ii) Notification No. 043-BOPEE of 2024 dated 05-07-2024.

(iii) Notification No. SC/491-SKUAST/3265-76 dated 05-07-2024 issued by J&K Sports Council.

Notification No: 045-BOPEE of 2024

Dated: 11-07-2024

Consequent upon the declaration of NEET PG (MDS)- 2024 result by the National Board of Examination (NBE), a tentative Roll No. wise list on the basis of NEET data received by the BOPEE from Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, was notified vide Notification No. 039-BOPEE of 2024 dated 03- 07-2024 for information of the concerned candidates.

The Board vide Notification No. 043-BOPEE of 2024 dated 05.07.2024 advised all the eligible candidates to register themselves and upload their documents on the BOPEE website viz. for verification/updation of their category status, through online mode w.e.f. 07.07.2024 to 09.07.2024, for preparation of the Provisional Merit List (PML).

The online Registration Forms and the documents uploaded by the candidates have been scrutinized and inter alia, the following has been noticed:-

a. Some candidates who have made the registration but their registration forms are deficient for want of one or more document(s) including Domicile Certificate, Registration Certificate of J&K State Dental Council/DCI, Internship Completion Certificate etc. The registration forms of such candidates have been provisionally approved and they shall be allowed to participate in the Online/offline Counseling process as the board may decide later, subject to the condition that they shall submit all the deficient documents along with other relevant documents as required by the Colleges/Institutions at the time of admission, if selected, otherwise their selection shall be cancelled.

b. The candidates who have filled CDP Category but have uploaded old certificate are provisionally included in the PML and have been allowed to participate in the online/offline counseling process subject to the condition that they shall submit fresh CDP certificate with Priority as per the prescribed format, physically at BOPEE office Jammu or Srinagar by or before 12th July, 2024 failing which they shall be considered under open merit, if otherwise, eligible under Open Merit. Further, the candidates whose reserved ‘Category Certificate(s)’ is deficient shall have to submit a valid category certificate physically at the BOPEE office Jammu/ Srinagar upto 13.07.2024 (02.00 p.m.) failing which they shall be considered under Open Merit category by the Board without any further notice, if otherwise, eligible under open merit.

c. No document(s) shall be accepted through e-mail / Whatsapp.

d. Only the candidates mentioned in the Notification No. SC/491-SKUAST/ 3265-76 dated 05-07-2024 issued by J&K Sports Council are considered under Sports Sub-Category.

In view of the above the Provisional UT Merit List (PML) of the candidates, who have qualified NEET MDS – 2024 and have registered themselves with the Board through online mode and have uploaded all the requisite documents/category certificates up to the prescribed date is hereby notified as Annexure-A to this Notification.

It is further notified that any candidate desirous of making a representation, with regard to the position assigned to him/her in the PML annexed as Annexures A to this Notification, may do so up to 13-07-2024 (till 02:00 p.m) during working days, however, such candidates are advised to submit their representations, if any, physically with the BOPEE office Jammu/Srinagar and the Board shall dispose of the same under rules. No representation(s) / objection(s) shall be accepted after the last date i.e. 13.07.2024. In case no representation is received by the Board in this regard, this PML shall be deemed as final.

The Board reserves the right to make any changes/corrections in the records as may be found necessary on the basis of documentary evidence.

The schedule for online/offline counselling for MDS-2024 courses shall be notified separately in due course of time and the candidates in their own interest are advised to remain in touch with BOPEE website for regular updates.

The candidate(s) shall be held personally responsible for submission/uploading of any false/wrong information/ document(s). In the event of such wrong information coming to the notice of the Board at any point of time, it shall render such candidate(s) ineligible for consideration for admission to such course(s) and their candidature shall be cancelled ab-initio on their own risk and responsibility without any further notice to them.

The candidates in their own interest are also advised to go through the

e-Information Brochure which is available on the official website of the Board viz.

The Annexure- A to this Notification shall be available on the BOPEE website only.

The other Terms and Conditions shall remain the same as mentioned in e-Information Brochure / Notifications / Notices issued by the Board from time to time in this regard.

Further Details :-


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