Mar 14, 2025
Government NotificationsJKBOSE NotificationNotifications

JKBOSE Important Notification Regarding Class 10th & 12th Session Annual (Private)/Bi-annual 2024

Schedule for submission of offline Permission cum Examination Forms for Secondary School Examination (Class 10th) & Higher Secondary Part-II (Class 12th) Examination Session Annual (Private)/Bi-annual 2024.

It is hereby notified for information of all the concerned that the following schedule has been fixed for submission of Permission Cum Examination Forms along with Statement of enrolment through offline mode for Secondary School Examination (Class 10th and Higher Secondary Part-II (Class 12th) Examination Session Annual (Private)/Bi-annual 2024 of UT’s of J&K/Ladakh for both Hard Zone and Soft Zone areas.

Important: The candidates who were declared under re-appear/failure category in Annual (Regular) Session 2024 examination shall submit the pre-filled Permission cum Examination Form which will be available at their respective academic Institutions/Schools. However, the re-appear/failure/Fresh Private candidates of previous sessions who are desirous to appear in ensuing Annual (Private)/Bi-annual 2024 examination shall download the Admission-Cum-Examination Forms from JKBOSE website: (under student corner)

Secondary School Examination (Class 10th)


1. All Fresh Private candidates who are otherwise eligible.

2. Re-appear/Failure and other eligible candidates of all previous sessions. Pursuant to the decision taken by the Board of Governors vide resolution No:- XIV at its meeting held on 11th of Feb 2022 notified vide notification No:- F (Acad-c) Chances/B/22 dated :- 14-03-2022, the candidates placed under exemption category (Re-appear category) have to complete/clear the examination within a period of five (5) years from the session in which he/she was placed under reappear category for the first time, otherwise they have to appear a fresh in all the compulsory subjects i.e. the candidates who had appeared in Annual Session 2019 (Regular or Fresh Pvt.) or earlier but have not till now completed their examination shall have to appear afresh in all compulsory subjects.

3. Additional/optional subject(s) / English only/Completion category candidates of class X.

4. Subject Change/Additional subject(s)/ English only/Completion category/Improvement of performance candidates of class XII.

5. Fresh Eligibility cases as per procedure/norms and applicable fee u/r.

Instruction and Guidelines for Heads of affiliated institutions

i. Rs.10/- (Rupees Ten) only per candidate in addition to the requisite fee are chargeable by the institution concerned.

ii. Disabled candidates, having disability of 40% (Forty) percent or more, are exempted from paying the examination fee.

iii. In case the last date falls on holiday/Bank holiday, the next working day shall be considered as the last date for submission of Examination forms at Divisional/Sub/Branch offices of the Board.

iv. Every Head of Institutions shall keep Information regarding the candidates appearing through their respective Schools by reference of the school sent-up readily available.

v. Registered particulars of five (05) candidates only on each side of the enrolment sheet.

vi. Cell number of each candidate shall be necessarily recorded on the enrollment sheet.

vii. Affix latest digital coloured photograph of each candidate against his/her particulars on the statement of enrollment duly signed and stamped, as well as on the sent-up list which remains with the institution for record and reference.

viii. To deposit the prescribed fee, of their eligible candidates obtain the designated Branches of the J&K Bank Ltd in the shape of “Bank slip” to be obtained from the concerned Divisional/Sub/Branch offices of the BOSE.

ix. Submit the Permission Cum-Examination Forms along with statement of enrolment and Renewal Registration Return sent-up, wherever applicable, complete in all respects and duly filled in on the prescribed formats along-with forwarding letter in the concerned Divisional/Sub/Branch office of the BOSE.

Further Details :-


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