JKBOSE Schedule for online submission of Registration Returns of Class 9th students
Online Registration process for the students who are on-rolls In Class 9th for the Academic Session 2024-25 in the Affiliated Academic Institutions/Schools of the UTs of Jammu & Kashmir/Ladakh shall be available through JKBOSE official website www.jkbose.nic.in as per the below notified schedule:-
Instructions and guidelines :-
I. The concerned School In-charges shall visit the JKBOSE official website www.jkbose.nic.in for submission of Registration Return Forms. The URL for the same shall be available on the website for submission of R.R Forms.
II. Only those on-roll students of class 9th for the Academic Session 2024-25 are
eligible for the submission of Registration Returns who shall attain age of Fourteen (14) years plus on First day of November 2025 in case of Kashmir Division and Winter Zone Areas of Jammu and the First day of May, 2026 in case of Jammu Division to appear in Secondary School Examination (Class 10th)
III. The concerned Heads of the Affiliated Academic Institutions shall verify and ensure that all the filled-in particulars are genuine and strictly In accordance to the Admission Records before forwarding these (online) to the JKBOSE,
iv. The particulars of the candidates verified and certified by the concerned Affiliated Academic Institution shall be recorded In the JKBOSE database as final and no further correspondence or claim, whatsoever shall be accepted at later stage on this score.
v. Only those Academic Institutions who are affiliated with the JKBOSE and in whose favour the facilities for the current Academic Session 2024-25 have been released by the General Section shall be able to transmit the registration returns of their on-roll eligible students of class 9th.
vi. The Head of concerned Institutions shall ensure that no eligible student is left out of Registration Process and shall provide a certificate in this regard to the concerned the Joint Secretary, Registration KD/JD.
For disable candidate only.
vii. Disable candidates, having disability of (40) Forty percent or more are exempted from paying Registration Return fee. However, they shall take a printout of the registration return form submitted online, get it attested by the head of the concerned Academic Institution and submit the same in the concerned Sub/branch offices of the JKBOSE along-with disability Certificate from the concerned Medical Board. The Concerned Board office shall verify the cases and forward the list of verified cases to the Joint Secretary, Registration, KD/JD.
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