Mar 15, 2025
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JKPSC Written Test Examination For Various Posts

Conduct of Written Examination for the post of Fisheries Development Officer, Horticulture Development Officer, Assistant Floriculture Officer, Works Manager and Assistant Director (E&S).

In continuation to this office Notice dated 27.03.2024, it is for information of all the eligible candidates, who have applied for various posts notified under different notifications, that the written examination (Objective type) in the following disciplines shall now be held as per the schedule given below:-

Further, the Written Examination (Descriptive type) for the post of Assistant Director (E&S) under notification No. 13-PSC(DR-P) of 2023 dated 13.04.2023 & No. 01-PSC (DR-P) of 2024 dated 05.03.2024, which was scheduled from 22.05.2024 to 29.05.2024 shall now be held in the month of July, 2024.


1. The session/timing of examination(s) will be notified separately.

2. Only those candidates should appear in the Examination, who fulfills the eligibility criteria prescribed for the post as mentioned in the above mentioned Notifications. However, permission to appear in the Examination is purely provisional subject to further verification of their documents/eligibility at any stage of selection process.

3. The candidature of such applicants shall be rejected at any stage of process of selection, who are found to have misrepresented or concealed the material facts having a bearing on their eligibility.

4. The above dates of examination are subject to change in case of exigency.


For Complete Notification : Click here 


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