JKSSB Fresh Written Exam Schedule for Various Posts
Advance notice for conduct of OMR Based Written Examination for recruitment to different posts
It is hereby notified for the information of candidates that J&K Services
Selection Board (JKSSB) 0s scheduled to conduct the OMR based written test for
various posts, tentatively as per the schedule given in Annexure “A”(tentative
schedule) to this notice. The exact dates along with the schedule for downloading of
Admit Cards shall be notified separately in due course of time.
The candidates who have applied for such posts whose examination may
be scheduled on the same date and thereby experiencing clash of examination dates
may represent before the Board within 03 working days of the issuance of this notice
so that the changes (if any) are accordingly adjusted in the schedule.
This is an advance notice for the information of concerned candidates.
The syllabus for examination to these posts is annexed herewith as Annexure “A” to “BG”,
Advance Notice for conduct of OMR Based Written Examination for recruitment to different posts
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