Mar 17, 2025
JKSSB NotificationNotificationsSyllabus

JKSSB Supervisor Syllabus for Written test

Advance notice for the conduct of OMR Based Written Examination for the post of Supervisor, Social Welfare Department.
It is hereby notified for the information of candidates that the J&K Services Selection Board (JKSSB) 0s scheduled to conduct the OMR Based written examination for the post of Supervisor, Social Welfare Department, District Cadre, advertised
vide Advertisement Notification No. 02 of 2023, Under Item No. 08 to 26, tentatively on 23.06.2024.

The exact dates along with the schedule for downloading admit cards shall be notified separately in due course of time. This is an advance notice for the information of concerned candidates.

The syllabus for the said examination, as notified earlier, is annexed herewith as Annexure “A”.

Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Syllabus for Written test (0bjective Type) for the post of Supervisor in Mission Poshan, Social Welfare Department.

Syllabus for Written test (0bjective Type) for the post of Supervisor in Mission Poshan, Social Welfare Department.

Marks : 120

Time  : 120mins

The exam shall aim to evaluate the candidates for their scientific, analytical and numerical aptitude and their general awareness over the broad range of subjects including the specialized subjects. The medium of examination shall be English.

1. General Knowledge with special reference to J&K:

i) Current Events of National importance.

ii) Indian History, Culture, Heritage and Freedom Struggle/Movement.

iii. Indian Constitution- Basic Features, Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive principles of State policy.

iv. Political & Physical divisions of India.

v. Demography- Census, its feature and functions.

vi. Weather, Climate, Crops, Means of Transport of India.

vii. Environment, Ecology & Bio-diversity

viii. J&K UT: History, Geography, Economy, Heritage & Culture, J&K Reorganization Act, 2019

2. General English & Comprehension

Marks : 10

i. Tenses.

ii. Rearranging of jumbled sentences.

iii. Narration.

iv. Modals/Articles.

v. Clauses.

vi. Synonyms and antonyms.

vii. Pairs of words and their use in meaningful sentences.

viii. Idioms and phrases.

ix. Uses of Prepositions.

x. Active & Passive Voice.


3. General intelligence & Reasoning    Marks: 10

a. Basic Arithmetic :

i. Number System.

ii. Percentage.

iii. Average.

iv. Profit & Loss.

v. Ratio & Proportion.

vi. Time & Work.

b. Reasoning :

i. Number series.

ii. Letter series.

iii. Coding decoding.

iv. Direction sense.

v. Blood relations.

vi. Mathematical reasoning.

vii. Speed, Distance and Time.

viii. Statements and conclusions.


4. General Science      Marks: 10

i. Various sources of energy.

ii. Nutrition and its types, Respiration, Transportation of water, food and minerals in plants.

iii. Communicable & Non-Communicable Diseases.

iv. Vitamins- Diseases related to vitamin deficiency.

v. Ecosystem – Its components, Food chains and Food webs.

vi. Environmental pollution. Ozone layer, its depletion, Green House Effect.

vii. Vaccines and Immunization.


5. Computer       Marks : 10

i. Basic Applications of Computer and its components.

ii. Fundamentals of computer sciences.

iii. Input & output Devices.

iv. Knowledge of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS Power point, PDF Internet an E-mail.

v. Concept of Computer Virus and Anti-Virus.


6. Specialization   : 60 Marks


Unit -1    Marks :-10

i. Society, Community, Association

ii. Social Stratification: Caste, Class and Social Stratification in India

iii. Social Institutions: Norms, Values, Folkways and Mores

iv. Marriage, Kinship and family.

v. Social Change: Industrialization, Globalization, Modernization.


UNIT-2     Marks: 10

i. Gender inequalities and issues.

ii Gender law & Human rights.

iii. Stages and theories of Human development (Freud, Erikson).

iv. Socialization and its theories.

v. Anxiety disorders: Phobia, OCD, GAD, Panic disorder, PTSD.

UNIT-3      Marks : 10

i. Human Rights : Concept and Evolution

ii. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

iii. Understanding sex, Gender, Sexual division of labour.


Unit-4      Marks: 10

Poverty and unemployment

Population explosion, Global warming and Climate Change

Indicators of social development

Trafficking, Beggary, Corruption


UNIT-5     Marks: 10

i) Growth and development

ii) Food, Nutrition, Health and fitness

iii. Physiology and promoting health

iv. Food science and processing

v. Chemical analysis of food

vi. Food and personal hygiene


UNIT-6        Marks: 10

i) Government and Non Government Programmes- Medical health care, Adoption, Foster care, Institutional care, children act and children rights

ii. Health and Family Welfare Programmes

iii. Early childhood care and education

iv. Old age and Disability Schemes

v. Poshan Abhiyan, Poshan tracker, Poshan vatikas, Supplementary Nutrition Programme vi. Anganwadi Services, Pradhan Mantri Man Vandana Yojana (PMMVY), Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG), Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), National Health Mission (NHM)

vii. Paalna- convergence of Anganwadi Centers into creches

viii. Ladli Beti Schemes, State Marriage Assistance Scheme etc.


For Complete Notification : Click here 


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