Notification for inviting Objections Regarding Anganwadi Helpers, Sunderbani
Advertisement Notice No.01 of 2025, Dated:-03-01-2025- Calling of objections thereof.
Whereas, vide advertisement notification No.01 of 2025,Dated:-3-1-2025, 04(Four) number of posts of Sahayikas(Anganwadi Helpers) were advertised for filling up of the vacant posts in Poshan Project Sunderbani in pursuance of HR Policy as notified Vide Govt. order No:- 103-JK(SWD) of 2023,dated:-28-04-2023 read with Govt. Order No 222- JK(SWD) of 2022, dated:-30-11-2022 ; and
Whereas, 06 number of applications were received for the Vacant posts of Sahayikas(Anganwadi Helpers) for various anganwadi centers in different wards of Poshan Project Sunderbani, as on last date of receipt of application i.e.22-1-2025 ;and
Whereas, after scrutiny of applications as per eligibility conditions as contained in the aforementioned advertisement notification, in accordance with HR policy referred above, the tentative merit list alongwith select list has been framed detailed as Annexure”A”&”B”;
Now, therefore, objections if any with regard to merit/ residential status/Qualification/Marks/Date of Birth etc are hereby called in writing from general public/ applicants of the concerned ward/ Panchayat against the tentative merit list/select List (Annexure “A” & “B”) within ten days, from the date of issuance of this notice, failing which no claim shall be entertained and the list shall be treated as final.
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