Notification for inviting Objections Regarding Anganwadi Workers, Akhnoor
Advertisement Notice 08 of 2023 Dated: 08.11.2023- calling of objections thereof.
Whereas, vide Advertisement Notice No. 08 of 2023 Dated 08.11.2023, 04 number of Posts of Sanginis (Anganwadi Workers) were advertised for filling up of vacant posts in Poshan Project Akhnoor in pursuance of HR policy as notified Vide Govt. Order No.222- JK(SWD) of 2022, Dated 30-11-2022.
Whereas, 18(Eighteen) number of applications were received for the vacant posts of Sanginis (Anganwadi Workers) for various Anganwadi Centres in Various Panchayats/wards of Poshan Project Akhnoor, as on last date of Submission of application forms i.e 30.11.2023.
Whereas, after scrutiny of applications as per eligibility conditions as mentioned in the aforementioned advertisement notification in accordance with the HR policy referred above, the tentative selection was framed for 04 Anganwadi centre and was published vide order no. DIP/J-14139 Dated 20-01-2024.Thereafter, an objection was received for AWC Bakore Panchayat Bakore. The matter was taken up by the selection committee and a new provisional list is framed.
Now therefore, objections if any with regard to Provisional Selection list are hereby called in writing from general public/ applicants of the concerned ward/ Panchayat against Provisional Selection List (Annexure “A’ ) within ten days, from the date of issuance of this notice, failing which no claim shall be entertained and the list shall be treated as final.
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