Scholarship Notice under Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Pre-Matric Scholarship to ST students for 9th & 10th Class”
Submission of Online Scholarship applications under Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Pre-Matric Scholarship to ST students for 9th & 10th Class” for the Academic Year 2024-25.
It is for the information of Scheduled Tribe (ST) Students belonging to Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory that Fresh/Renewal online applications are invited for the academic year 2024-25 through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) at under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Pre Matric Scholarship to ST Students”.
Applications will be entertained through the online portal for ST students who are studying in J&K or outside of J&K in Class 9th and 10th in Govt./Govt. aided/Govt. recognized Schools having valid AISHE/U-DISE/NCVT/SCVT codes only.
S. No. Activities/ Events Opening Date Last Date
1. The opening date for online 7th of December, 2024 7th of January, 2025
submission of the applications
on the NSP Portal for the
2. Verification of Applications by 7th of December, 2024 17th of January, 2025
Institutional Nodal Officer (INO)
on the NSP Portal.
3. Verification of Applications by 7th of December, 2024 17th of January, 2025
District Nodal Officers (DNO) on
the NSP Portal.
a) The student must be a domicile of J&K UT and have a valid Domicile Certificate issued by the competent authority in the Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory.
b) The student shall belong to the Scheduled Tribe (ST) and must be a valid ST Certificate issued by the competent authority in the Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory.
c) Student shall be studying in a Government School or in a School recognized by Government or JKBOSE/Central Board.
d) The family income of the student from all sources shall not exceed Rs. 2.50 lakh per annum (ending FY 2023-24).
e) The student shall have a valid account in a Scheduled Bank linked/seeded with Aadhaar & Mobile Number (Mandatory). Bank account details (A/C Number, IFSC Code & Branch) given in application shall be correct and the account shall be active. The account shall be in the name of the student/parent and linked with Aadhaar and Mobile Number to ensure timely DBT.
f) Aadhaar seeding with account is compulsory for One Time Registration (OTR) and Payment.
g) The student should not be getting any other scholarship.
h) Further, students can visit the Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MOTA), Gol website to check eligibility criteria using the link (
The procedure for submission of online application form by the student on National Scholarship Portal through website/URL from any of the available internet access points. For further assistance. Students can download “Student User Manual” from given below Link (
Fresh Students:
● Before applying for online scholarship application form students need to download and install the NSP OTR App from Google Play Store. (link:
● The students need to download and install the Aadhaar Face RD app on their mobile phones for face authentication from Google Play Store.
(link: or visit the nearest Common Service Centre (CSC).
● Students while applying for the above scholarship scheme should register themselves on NSP through the app “NSP OTR” and get Face-authentication to generate One Time Registration (OTR) number which is mandatory for applying for scholarship for Academic Year 2024-25 onwards.
Renewal Students:
● NSP earlier launched the face-authentication service in the year 2023-24 and it was an option for the students to perform their face authentication.
● NSP has generated the One Time Registration (OTR) for the students who have performed the face-authentication in AY 2023-24 and the same has been sent to the applicant through SMS on their Registered Mobile Numbers (RMN).
● Students who have received the OTR Number can directly apply for the scholarship on the NSP. In case, the student has not received the OTR Number through SMS, the OTR Number can be retrieved using “Know your OTR” available on the National Scholarship Portal.
● Aadhaar and Mobile Number (Linked with Aadhaar) are mandatory for generating OTR.
● Provide the correct and authenticated E-mail ID, as all the communications and authentications related to portal activities will be sent to the E-mail ID provided by the applicant. The Department shall not be responsible for incorrect detail provided by the student.
● Scholarship disbursement will be done in the Aadhaar Seeded Account on National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI).
(Documents to be uploaded on NSP Portal)
Aadhaar Number.
Scan copy of Original Domicile Certificate.
Scan copy of Original Category Certificate (Schedule Tribe) issued by the competent authority.
Scan copy of Original Income Certificate of Parents/Guardians issued by the competent authority. In case of Parent/Guardian is Government/Private Employee, Salary Certificate issued by the concerned Drawing & Disbursing Officer. The uploaded scanned copy of the Income Certificate with malicious QR code/edited/mutated will lead to the rejection of the application form.
Bonafide Certificate duly attested by the Head of the Schools.
School Fee Receipt in original with the name of the candidate, date, and class duly sealed & signed by competent authority.
Scan copy of marks sheet of the last qualified examination.
Scan Copy of Marks sheet of last qualified class.
Valid Hosteller Certificate, issued by the Institution duly sealed & signed by the competent authority.
Scan copy of the Bank Pass-Book indicating complete particulars i.e., Name of the Account Holder, Address, Active Bank Account Number, Bank Branch & IFSC Code, etc.
Note : The uploaded documents should be in PDF/JPG/JPEG format, file size must be in between 100-200 KB only and should be readable/legible for scanning during the verification process otherwise it may lead to the rejection of the application form.
(Along with the above mentioned documents the candidates are advised to submit the following additional documents to the concerned Head of Institution)
After successful submission of the online application on National Scholarship Portal, the applicant shall submit its hard copy along with the requisite documents as indicated above to the Head of the concerned Institution/INO within a week’s time.
The (INO) Institutional Nodal Officer shall verify the uploaded documents of the students, through e-scanning/browsing, ensure the authenticity/genuineness of hard copies of the documents submitted by the students and recommend only eligible candidates on portal in light of the norms of Scheme & SOP of NSP. If any uploaded document(s) verified by the INO is/are found forged/false/fake/ duplicate or tampered at any stage, the Head of Institution and Institutional Nodal Officer shall be responsible for the negligence.
Note :
As per revised guidelines of the Scheme, before releasing/disbursing the Scholarship amount to the students, the Department shall verify the registration, affiliation and accreditation, courses being offered and number of seats approved for each course in Schools/ Institutes.
Mere filling of the online scholarship application form will not confer any right of the student that he/she will be granted a scholarship.
A scholarship holder under this Scheme shall not have availed any other scholarship/stipend for pursuing the same course/class from any other Agency/Department.
Preference shall be given to the Government Schools.
Scholarship will be restricted to the availability of funds.
Scholarship disbursement will be done in Aadhaar Seeded Account on NPCI.
Help Desk: –
For further queries, the Students/lnstitution Nodal Officers can contact on the following numbers: – (only during office hours)
1. Deputy Director Tribal Affairs Office Kashmir : 0194-2500585, E-mail: –
2. Deputy Director Tribal Affairs Office Jammu : 0191 -2439198, E-mail:-
3. Note :-
Hard copy of the Scholarship form shall not be entertained in the Deputy Director Office Jammu/Srinagar, as e-disposal is the mode of delivery of service.
Applicants are advised to track their applications online from time to time so that the necessary corrections (if any) may be made within the stipulated timeline.
Further Details :
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