Selection List of Senior Residents in Government Medical College Kathua
Ref : Advertisement Notice NO: GMCK/Advt-G/2024-25/24 Dated: 09.10.2024
Whereas, advertisement notice for the post of SR in various disciplines along with the department of dentistry was notified vide this office order No.:- GMCK/Advt-G/2024-25/24 Dated: 09.10.2024.
As such, recommended by the selection committee the provisional selection list for the post of Senior Resident in the discipline of Dentistry in the GMC Kathua is enclosed as Annexure-A.
Phone No.:- 01922-295586
The selected candidate is directed to report to the office of the Principal, Govt.Medical College, Kathua within 07 days of issuance of this order. The salary will be disbursed only after satisfactory character and antecedent verification reports received by
the office of the undersigned from CID, J&K.
Provisionally, selected candidate should bring 02 office files and 02 sets of documents (photocopied and self-attested) to be submitted at the time of joining as mentioned below
Candidates should fill and submit their forms within seven days of receiving of the SMS from CID Head Quarters. Also, they are suggested to go through the application form thoroughly and submit the form only after getting fully satisfied.
Incomplete forms or incorrect forms takes longer to process.
For Complete Details : Click here
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