JKBOPEE Provisional Selection List of Paramedical Diploma (MMPHW/FMPHW) Curses-2023
Provisional Selection List of Candidates for admission to 10th Based Paramedical Diploma (MMPHW/FMPHW) Curses-2023 in Government/Private, Colleges/ Institutions of UT of J&K/Ladakh after conduct of 2nd/ Mop up Round of counselling.
Reference :
Notification No. 142-BOPEE of 2023 Dated 24-12-2023.
Pursuant to Notification 142-BOPEE of 2023 Dated 24-12- 2023, the 2nd / Mop up round of counselling for admission to 10th Based Paramedical Diploma (MMPHW/FMPHW) Courses – 2023 in Government / Private Colleges / Intuitions in the UT of J&K/Ladakh was conducted from 29.12.2023 to 02.01.2024 at BOPEE Offices, Jammu & Srinagar simultaneously.
The list of candidates who have participated in the said counselling and have been provisionally selected /upgraded for the said courses as per their merit-cumpreferences in various Government / Private Colleges / Institutions of UT of J&K / Ladakh is hereby notified as per Annexure-A to this notification which shall remain available on the website of the Board viz. www.jkbopee.gov.in only.
The provisionally selected candidates are advised to report to their respective allotted Colleges / Institutions upto 10.01.2024
till (4.00 p.m.) along with the following documents in original:-
1. Marks Card of 10th Class.
2. Date of Birth Certificate of 10th Class.
3. Domicile Certificate.
4. Category Certificate, if any.
5. Any other document as required by the concerned College/ Institution(s)
The provisionally selected candidates are advised to report to the allotted College / Institutions upto 10.01.2024 positively. It
shall be sole responsibility of the concerned Colleges/Institutions to ensure proper check and verification of the documents and eligibility criteria as per J&K Paramedical Council Guidelines before the candidate(s) are allowed for admission and in case of any discrepancy in the requisite documents, the candidate(s) shall not be allowed to join in the respective allotted Colleges / Institutions.
In order to complete the admission process within the prescribed cut-off date viz. 10.01.2024 the concerned Colleges / Institutions shall keep their admission counters open even on Holidays/off-days to facilitate the candidates to complete their admission process well in time. However, the candidates should in their own interest avoid waiting for the last day to complete admission formalities since the delay has the potential of causing hardships to the candidates only.
The Heads of concerned Colleges / Institutions are advised to furnish the shortfall, if any, to the Board through e-mail: helpdeskjakbopee@gmail.com / jakbopee@gmail.com on 10.01.2024 upto (05.00 p.m.)
Note :-
1. The admission to the candidates is purely provisional and shall be cancelled in case any information furnished by any
candidate proves to be false /fabricated and action as warranted under Law shall be initiated against such candidate(s).
2. It is hereby implored upon the management of all the concerned Colleges/Institutions to ensure the veracity of documents, particularly the Category Certificates wherever the admission is to be granted in lieu of a Reserved Category.
3. The Heads of the concerned Colleges/Institutions are advised to release the documents and refund the fee of those candidates who have been upgraded during the 2nd/ Mop-up Round of Counselling.
4. For fee/documents required for admission in the College/Institution, the provisionally selected candidates are advised to contact the concerned Colleges/Institutions before the last date of admission i.e.10.01.2024.
5. The Heads of the concerned Colleges/Institutions are advised to download the copy of this notification along with its Annexure – A from the official website of the Board www.jkbopee.gov.in for reference and record.
6. The other terms and conditions shall remain the same as notified in the e-Information Brochure and Notifications/Notices issued by the Board in this regard from time to time.
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