JKBOPEE Provisional Selection List of Psychology-2023 Courses
Provisional Selection List of candidates for Admission to PG Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology-2023 in Composite Regional
Centre, Bemina, Srinagar.
Reference :- Notification No. 143-BOPEE of 2023 Dated 25-12- 2023
Pursuant to notification No. 143-BOPEE of 2023, dated 25.12.2023, the Provisional Merit List of candidates for admission to PG Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology Course-2023 in Composite Regional Centre, Bemina, Srinagar was notified and the candidates were asked to submit the representations/objections, if any, against the positions assigned to them in the Provisional Merit List
within three days from the date of uploading of the said notification on website of the Board.
The Board has received one representation from Ms. Maria Majid on 27.12.2023, appearing at S.No. 29 in the Annexure-A to Notification No. 143- BOPEE of 2023, wherein she has stated that she has completed her B.A and M.A in Clinical Psychology with CGPA of 7.19 (Bachelors) and 7.43 (Masters). The Board has examined her representation/documents and has accordingly placed her at S.No. 08 of the Annexure-A to this notification on the basis of her merit.
The list of candidates who have been provisionally selected for admission to PG Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology Course-2023, in Composite Regional Centre (CRC), Bemina Srinagar, Kashmir on the basis of their merit is hereby notified as Annexure-B to this notification which shall remain available on website of the Board i.e. www.jkbopee.gov.in only
The provisionally selected candidates are advised to report in the Composite Regional Centre (CRC), Bemina Srinagar, Kashmir upto 10th of January, 2024 till 04.00 p.m. along with all the requisite documents/certificates in original for verification and further scrutiny by CRC who shall allow them to join only on production and verification of original requisite certificates including
Domicile Certificate of the candidate issued by the Competent Authority. It shall be the sole responsibility of the CRC to verify all necessary documents strictly as per the eligibility criteria before allowing the concerned candidates to join.
It is further, notified that due to non-availability of the eligible candidates in the following reserved categories, 05 seats which have remained vacant due to non availability of candidates in these reserved categories have been converted into Open Merit as per Section 9 (2) of J&K Reservation Act-2004 and have been filled up from the Open Merit eligible candidates
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