JKSSB Provisional Selection List for the posts of Junior Assistant
Provisional Selection List for the posts of Junior Assistant, Advertisement Notification No’s 04 & 05, of 2021 and 02 and 04 of
Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board, vide different Indent No’s, received 306 Posts of Junior Assistants from various departments, which were put to advertisement vide Notification No’s. 04 of 2021 dated 17-07-2021, 05 of 2021 dated 22-09-2021, 02 of 2022 dated 09-02-2022 and 04 of 2022 dated 27-07-2022, as per the following category-wise break up :
Cadre of the Posts : UT/Division/District
OM : 163
SC : 40
ST : 21
OSC : 03
ALC/IB : 08
RBA : 56
PSP : 04
EWS : 11
TOTAL : 306
Whereas, the requisite qualification for selection against these posts, as per the Indent/ advertised, was mentioned as under :
“Graduation from any recognized University with 35 words type speed on computer key board per minute”
Whereas, the JKSSB, conducted the Type test for these posts for which the result was declared on 08.08.2024, and accordingly, the Written Examination (OMR based) of the successful candidates for these posts of Junior Assistant was conducted on 25.08.2024. Based on the performance of the candidates in it, the Board, vide Notification No. JKSSB-COE0EXAM(UT)/32/2024-03 (7551754) dated 18.09.2024, published the Result/Score-sheet of the candidates; and
Whereas, after the publication of Result/Score-sheet, the candidates, falling under the consideration zone, were called for Document Verification vide Notification No. JKSSB-COE0EXAM(UT)/32/2024-03 (7551754) dated 18,11.2024, at both Jammu & Srinagar
office w.e.f 10.12.2024 to 17.12.2024, followed by supplementary DV w.e.f 07.01.2025 to 09.01.2025; and
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